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We Come In Peace

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Everything posted by We Come In Peace

  1. Anderson Cooper just did a segment on it on 360. Caught it randomly (or the end of it). First I've really heard of it in the MSM.
  2. I blame it on the hollow Earth theory.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6xHhP-KioU
  4. He was always a philosopher-comic. Then again, the best comics usually are. It's just Carlin's philosophies were pretty nihilistic, which certainly can rub folks the wrong way.
  5. And my point is that they are not trying to sway the public opinion -- the public is already in favor of it. If anything, the press is late to the game on the issue of gay marriage.
  6. You were the one who claimed it was only a portion of the population -- I merely corrected you. It's not a portion, it's the majority. And that number is growing faster than any other social issue facing this country today. Because you don't agree with it doesn't mean the proponents don't have the moral high ground. In fact, in the case of gay marriage it's the opponents to it that are lacking the moral high ground. And now they're lacking the numbers. Thems the facts.
  7. If you want to hijack a thread, get your numbers right. 32% is not a majority. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2013/03/19/lots-of-americans-still-want-to-repeal-obamacare/
  8. Well, you're wrong. Over 53% of Americans now support gay marriage. That's a majority, my friend. I know you don't like fancy learning and numbers but 53% represents a clear (and growing) majority. So it's not a portion of the citizenry, it's the majority.
  9. It's possible that all of those numbers are wrong -- not by a couple thousand years, but by tens of thousand of years. Göbekli Tepe was only recently discovered and dated in Turkey, it pre dates the pyramids by over 11,500 years. http://www.thedailybeast.com/newsweek/2010/02/18/history-in-the-remaking.html If you look at the floor of the Med you'll find dozens, if not hundreds of ancient sites that were lost when the coast line rose after the ice age. We are told that the Sumerians were the world's first civilization formed around 4,000 BC -- 1500 years before construction began on the pyramids. Yet Göbekli Tepe predates the formation of Sumeria by almost 10,000 years itself. What we think we know about our ancient past is ever-changing and constantly being redefined.
  10. I disagree. You can't compare what happens in an active war zone to what happened in Libya. It's night and day.
  11. It's extremely disingenuous to compare what happened in Benghazi to what happened in Afghanistan and reeks of a political agenda.
  12. That's fine. But that wasn't how B-Man was using the quote and my responses were towards that end.
  13. It's not just the press. It's the citizens themselves who are demanding change on the issue, the press -- like all the politicians who have recently switched their positions on the matter once the poll numbers came out -- is merely servicing the greater good. That is IF this story isn't just baiting by the left -- which is entirely possible. You (once again) miss the point. The point isn't that wives don't fight with in-laws, it's that had their marriage been official, the in-laws/siblings wouldn't have the authority to kick the spouse out in the first place. They certainly could make a scene, and the hospital could certainly react by expelling everyone in order to better serve the patient, but then this wouldn't be a story. It would just be another day and another fight within a family. No biggie. No doubt. Good lord, you're a mess.
  14. RIP to one of the kings of the field.
  15. Good catch. And I agree. Or we can just call up the Majestic 12 and get them to let us use the TR-3B
  16. There are certainly plenty of people on PPP who add thoughtful, challenging or otherwise cogent points and counter points. It's why I'm here. And every now and then even OC finds a nut. A broken clock is right twice a day.
  17. One day, people are going to wake up and realize that the human race is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay older than we've been told. Not 2 or 3 thousand years older, more like 200,000.
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