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We Come In Peace

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Everything posted by We Come In Peace

  1. Yes. If their marriage was legally recognized, there would be no story. It certainly wouldn't have hit the news because, as B has said, this kind of thing happens with families a lot in hospitals. The only reason this is a news story is because of the angle regarding gay marriage. I never said nor implied that he would have gotten a "SHH please keep it down". You're a sad, sad, little man. No matter how many times you say it, doesn't make it true. I never attributed special treatment to anyone in this thread. It's merely something you attributed to me because you are more interested in hearing yourself speak than listening to others.
  2. I think it's more likely a product of the incredible speed of information these days. Everyone is connected at all times meaning there's more information, less time to filter fact from fiction. The media compounds the problem by racing to be first rather than aiming to be completely accurate.
  3. Glad to hear everyone is safe, Todd.
  4. And POTUS to speak at 6:10
  5. Glad your family is safe. BPD just denied NY Post report of having a suspect in custody.
  6. Innocent until proven guilty.
  7. GRAPHIC NSFW http://deadspin.com/explosions-reported-at-the-boston-marathon-473008941?utm_campaign=socialflow_deadspin_twitter&utm_source=deadspin_twitter&utm_medium=socialflow
  8. No surprise you missed the point ... The argument OC is having with himself in the referenced post has nothing to do with anything I was saying. He invented it completely.
  9. Nope, my fault for not being clear -- I meant what she said in your original article was ridiculous, not the comment you were making on it.
  10. The multiple conversations going on inside your head must be terrifying.
  11. Wait, I never defended her statement nor meant to imply that I was in support of it. Unless I was posting and drinking again... and by drinking I mean smoking. All I said was: I do not believe in what she is saying -- I may have been willing to give her a mulligan on her first statement as there is some inherent truth in the notion that we're all in this together, but I'd never defend her follow up.
  12. For the record, you think the entire, hell even the majority of the Democratic party wants to take away guns? You really believe that?
  13. Come on, Joe, whatt'ya say? We can make it something fun, nothing malicious. There's absolutely zero shot Kobe has played his last game.
  14. He's a lightning rod for the skeptical crown without question. His driving interest is in free-energy (through reverse engineering of ET tech) and it's put him in the cross hairs of a lot of powerful special interest groups. Greer is the one driving the latest round of congressional hearings on disclosure coming up at the end of the month: http://www.citizenhearing.org/ The interesting thing about the creature and the bold DNA claims is that Greer is staking (whatever is left of) his reputation on the line with this. If he's wrong, or if it's proven to be a hoax -- all of which is entirely possible -- then he's done. Not just with the mainstream folks, but with the believers as well. It takes big balls to make an announcement like this one...
  15. Want to make a fun avatar wager or something on this?
  16. Dr. Steven Greer, a noted UFO researcher and disclosure advocate, has claimed for the past year that he has in his possession a 6 inch alien fetus discovered in the deserts of Chile. Greer has a movie coming out called Sirius about his Disclosure project. After months of testing, the DNA tests are reportedly back on the little brown alien creature, and the findings (if accurate) could quite possible be the most important discovery made in all of human history.
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