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We Come In Peace

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Everything posted by We Come In Peace

  1. Well no. That's just it. No one is talking about it. The overwhelming majority just thought "gee, what an awesome commercial". Very few, if any outside this thread, brought up the irony of the ad. Which is why I brought it up.
  2. Offended? I wouldn't classify it as offended. Probably a better adjective (for me at least) would be concerned. I find it interesting that while the left railed against torture under W's watch, they are strangely silent about Obama's continuation of those policies. The use of Drones on US Soil brings us one step closer to the end of times.
  3. And the arm strength of a 12 year old girl. We already have one of those on the roster.
  4. It's not racist. That's ridiculous. But all it takes is a brain to find fault in the commercial's motives. The independent farmer is dying in this country. They're being crushed by giant corporations and a lobby that holds more sway than almost any other political player in DC. An end of era is coming, one of the last true pieces of American culture, the farmer, is being demolished in the name of corporate greed. The Monsantos of the world, with the assistance of an uneducated American public, are making billions from putting people just like the ones you saw in the ad out of work. So rather than talk about that, let's spend $4 million dollars on a 60 second commercial that exploits that depressing reality in order to sell a truck for a company that's no friend of the independent farmer. It'd be like Mercedes Benz doing a commercial in honor of all the holocaust victims. Shameful.
  5. Yup. Throw in the right buzz words, use a Paul Harvey clip completely out of context, then commercialize the decay of the last slice of true American culture we have left in the name of the all mighty dollar. Monsantos got a huge laugh at that commercial and a bigger laugh over the audience going ga-ga over it. Shameful.
  6. Shameful is what it was. Manipulative and shameful. Wake up, people.
  7. But it wasn't showing admiration or respect for farmers or the viewers. It was manipulating you into thinking that's what they were doing when in reality they were commercializing the decay of the only true slice of Americana left. What's destroying independent farmers? Big, corporate Agro. I'm sure Monsantos got a big chuckle out of that ad.
  8. His entire post season run was impressive. And that's selling it short. Anyone who says he's no good didn't watch the man play.
  9. A lot of love for the farmer one. That's surprising, or maybe not. Talk about manipulative. Taking the last remaining shred of true americana, a culture that's under siege from all angles and dying a slow and painful death, then using it to sell cars. I found it shameful.
  10. Clearly you've never been to space. It changes a person... or a monkey. Seeing 17 dawns in one day has an effect.
  11. Wow. Calling Al and Jesse monkeys... racism is dead in America! DEAD!
  12. Was just about to start a thread about this one I saw today: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPZ8LZQMPys&list=PL2403B131746DD813
  13. First step: Condition the public to believe that surrendering their constitutional right to privacy is the only way to guarantee the public safety. Second step: Take away all the guns and limit the populace's ability to fight back. Third step:
  14. Anyone catch the Pulp Fiction reference?
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