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We Come In Peace

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Everything posted by We Come In Peace

  1. But in fact I have read them for months and months and months. Your sources are every bit as driven by trying to push copy as any other MSM source. Sorry. Thems the facts.
  2. "Meteor"... yeah, suuuuuure. How stupid do they think we are? #itbegins
  3. Unlike the purely objective quotes you use from men and women just trying to preach the truth, correct?
  4. True. You can just depend on the MSM or blogosphere to tell you what he said. That never goes wrong.
  5. "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle"
  6. Murder boners are different than Pelosi goiter boners. Murder boners are more midnight while Pelosi gets more of a 3 o'clock kinda angle.
  7. He can't. He's been checking out Nancy Pelosi's goiter all night and has a ... "situation" in his lower extremities.
  8. There's always the Godzilla option. It'll doubly piss 'em off since they hate Japanese culture as much as ours.
  9. I thought he meant the secret US reverse-engineered UFO fighting force.
  10. But if you can't put a meter on it... Proof enough as to where the true power in the world lies. Biden SO badly wants to pick his nose right now but can't...
  11. Who says the energy lobby isn't the strongest force on the planet? Not one single reaction to the proposal to move cars off oil. Ha!
  12. They used tear gas, wanted to go in before the sun could set. Once he went into an empty house that guy was never leaving alive.
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