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We Come In Peace

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Everything posted by We Come In Peace

  1. I can speak and write quite well. Here's the first (actually second) round of "disclosure" from our good friends in Russia: http://english.pravda.ru/society/anomal/21-02-2013/123859-x_files_soviet_defense-0/
  2. Are you familiar with Tesla's working theories? Or are you just speaking from the vantage point of someone who only knows the winner's side of the story? And I'm not even going deeper with it. There are many, many other examples outside of Tesla of the government/elite suppressing information and technology from the public. This isn't a new trend.
  3. http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2013/02/26/sequester-fears-take-mainstream-media-hysteria-to-new-heights/?intcmp=HPBucket
  4. I give you credit for being so willing to come back and take your beatings again. Good sportsmanship on your part.
  5. He's a legit Earthling. And he's going to owe me 100k when I show up over his house.
  6. Depending on how deeply you wish to go down the conspiracy tunnel, Tesla vs Edison is a landmark case in terms of this topic. Edison's direct current was easier to commercialize while Tesla's alternating current was essentially nearly impossible "to put a meter on it". What erupted was possibly the nation's first "industrial war" between competing interests. We're talking the biggest names in industry and wealth in the history of the world, guys like J. P. Morgan, John Jacob Astor, Lord Rothschild, and W. K. Vanderbilt, men with incredible power and influence, enough to shape the world in any image they saw fit -- they would be the ones to decide if we would use Tesla's methods or Edison's / GEs. The propaganda started early: "I remember Tom [Edison] telling them that direct current was like a river flowing peacefully to the sea, while alternating current was like a torrent rushing violently over a precipice. Imagine that! Why they even had a professor named Harold Brown who went around talking to audiences... and electrocuting dogs and old horses right on stage, to show how dangerous alternating current was." Westinghouse. JP Morgan manipulated the stock market in an attempt to starve Tesla and Westinghouse and buy their IP for cheap and bury the patents so that he could control the entire hydro electric industry. It didn't work. Morgan was thwarted when Tesla refused to sell his patents (suffering extreme economic hardships as a result, Morgan put the screws to him). Then, several years later when Tesla was on the verge of proving that his wireless tranmission of electricity would work, his lab was mysterious burned down by unknown assailants. This STILL didn't stop Tesla who continued to work and eventually clashed with Marconi who stole over 17 of Tesla's patents on his way to a Nobel Prize. Marconi was heavily backed by the wealth of Europe (Rothchilds, Astors and some say Morgan as well though I've never seen that verified) and eventually got the US patent office to overturn Tesla's patents (something that was never explained by the Patent Office). The powers that be ruined Tesla and buried his research for over 80 years. It wasn't until the past two decades or so that serious scholars and researchers have begun examining all the twists and turns in his life. It's a fascinating story, and one that shows the true scope and reach of the powers that be. Again, it depends on how deep down the rabbit hole you wish to go. Either you believe that there are people in this world who value power and control over everything else, or you don't. But you don't have to be a conspiracy theorist to understand the motives behind suppressing technology (or in this case medicine) -- $$$$$$$$$$$$$. You make a lot more money treating diseases than curing them. How can you regulate, let alone charge, something that's freely available to everyone? You can't. Which is why free energy has been suppressed for decades on this planet. Before judging, go check out who sits at the top of the energy industry pyramid. Check out the family names, then maybe you'll see...
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=npyuQqJZ5yY
  8. Well I call those guys "one-uppers", which is a way better term. Also, have I told you about the time I ran a four minute mile? It was in a car, but was still amazing.
  9. I asked the question I wanted to ask. So far the responses, even yours, have been great.
  10. CBS is only number one because they count every viewer in their numbers -- not just the core 18-49 year old demo that Fox, NBC and ABC's numbers represent.
  11. Evolved in every way but for propulsion... von Braun's designs are still the foundation of modern rocketry, are they not?
  12. Are you implying that conner is a genius in disguise??? And I thought I was crazy.
  13. What's his name? I probably seen him at the meetings. ... also, it's not trolling if it's the truth, right?
  14. There are a multitude of incentives to change the technology. Besides the usual environmentalist talking points, free and renewable energy would do the most to combat global poverty than any other invention throughout history. Being able to bring power to the most remote of locations would literally change the face of the planet in less than a decade. It would also throw out the entire economic model that the largest industries rely upon to keep their choke-hold over the population. This may sound like crazy paranoia but there's evidence of the cabal's reach throughout history. Again, look at what happened to Tesla. His method for providing electricity was cheaper and more efficient yet because "you can't put a meter on it", his work was systematically demonized and tossed aside as poppycock fantasy.
  15. Back up which claim? That of all our technologies the only one that hasn't advanced (at all) in close to 100 years is also the most profitable and tied most closely to our entire economic model? That's not a claim. Those are just facts.
  16. Tell that to Tesla, I'm sure he'd appreciate the chuckle.
  17. Ask yourself this... Technology evolves exponentially. We've seen enormous leaps in the past 20 years, evidenced by the fact that everyone now has a computer more powerful than the ones used during the Apollo missions in their pocket. Our cell phones and computers are outdated after 12 months (less if you're really on point), we've witnessed amazing advancements in nearly every field of science and technology but one. Why is that? Why is it that we won't be caught dead with a computer from 1980 but we're all using technology that hasn't changed in nearly 100 years to get around? Jet engines were developed in the 30s, internal combustion engines in the 19th century. Even the rockets used by NASA are the same as the ones developed in the 1940s.
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