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We Come In Peace

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Everything posted by We Come In Peace

  1. Well that's only because you understand the economy better than I. You know how it goes, if someone don't understand something it must be magic! Or an evil plot designed to take over the world... either way. Crazy conspiracy aside, I have a couple questions you probably can help with. The "failed economic model" that causes this cycle still makes a certain portion of the population incredibly wealthy, does it not? The ones who know how to read the market better, the ones who pull out faster (the pull out method is only effective in business by the way), or what have you. These are the people who keep the model the same, aren't they? I mean, if it works for them, and they have all the money/influence/control, why would they change it? Or is that a false assumption? This is true as well. I still think the conspiracy element makes it more fun.
  2. Economics (clearly) are not my forte. Any answer I would give would be wrong. It's the pattern that interests me because I don't have the vocabulary for the meat of the discussion. But if you believe in a new world order, the finger points to the folks who run the Fed and the banking system, the ones who have us all by the digital balls.
  3. The best part of the movie is where Leo cuts his hand during his dinner speech. Word is it was a real cut, not scripted, and he just went with it -- and even used it in the scene by wiping it on Kerry Washington's face. No one cut, no one broke, and when the scene was over everyone was stunned at Leo's chops. Went back and watched it again just to see that. Funny, that's when some other people walked out of the theater when I saw it. Weird to me that no one left during the blood bath/shoot out but once a dude shows his balls that's too much for someone to see.
  4. That's the game, isn't it? Artificially inflate the market, get Main Street's confidence up (be it with sub-prime mortgages convincing folks to buy homes they can't afford, junk bonds of the 80s, dot com stocks of the 90s) then pull the rug out from under them, causing a credit crunch and creating more debt-slaves for the banks to make incalculable amounts of money from, Happened in the '20s, '70s, '80s, '90s, and '00s. It'll happen again and again. I'm thinking somewhere around '17 this time around.
  5. DHS = phase one of the New World Order. Thank you, W, for sticking to your conservative guns and creating this wonderfully efficient (and completely necessary) government institution.
  6. Don't you know? Chupacabra are just baby sasquatches. They transform like tadpoles.
  7. Unless Earth is really an intergalactic-zoo-planet and they're just here for the 4pm Shamu Spectacular.
  8. I'd be curious to know why he asked for this myself. Then again, depending on how hot the wife is, I know a few guys who would pay good money to have that kind of alarm.
  9. I think Day 12 is my favorite. Possibly Day 9.
  10. Your entire basis for believing a conspiracy could no longer suppress information because of the internet is laughably ignorant. It presumes there is a level playing field when there clearly is not. Cheaters are always ahead of the curve.
  11. No, again, we're talking about Tesla and what happened to him and his research into renewable/free energy. And I do freely admit I know ****. About most things at least. They certainly did when it comes to his work in the area of renewable energy.
  12. I don't know what they use today. I do know that Edison/GE were the primary competitors during Tesla's time. And that they were ultimately backed by a powerful group of men who worked to assure their version would win the day. And furthermore that the same group worked to discredit, bankrupt and suppress Tesla and his alternative energy research. I got nothing against Edison. Or Jackman.
  13. My initial premise was that there is a history of the powers that be (not the US government, there is a difference) suppressing alternative technologies that pose a threat to our economic model. Tesla's life was offered as an example of this. Tesla's life work was dedicated to creating an alternative and renewable energy source, one that draws electricity from the atmosphere and despite his advances and proven record of success, his work was systematically suppressed by the powers that be. Not the US government -- though they played their part. Had his work not been suppressed in favor of Edison's direct current, and allowed to compete in the open marketplace, we might have a completely different energy system in place. That's not off base. That's historical fact.
  14. You made that leap, not me. What I am saying is that there are plenty of motives for suppressing and withholding technology and a long history that shows it's been done over and over again in the past. Tesla was just one example. Tesla tried to fight the system and died broke, discredited and dishonored. This was done not because the government wanted to keep his technology for itself but because the cabal that truly wielded the power in the world (and still does today) saw Tesla's methods as a threat to their gravy train and wanted to suppress it. Free, unlimited energy pulled from the atmosphere? How can you monetize that? You can't. Or at least you can't as easily as you can with direct current which requires massive transformers and an infrastructure that makes it a more business friendly (read: profitable) model. The "old boys" favored their model over Tesla's, not because theirs was better, but because they "could put a meter" on their system. This has given them well over 100 years of profits and control over the population. Neat story. Not sure what your point is with it... First, the "old boy" club still exists. And second, you of all people should know that the media is more "controlled" than ever before. The power of the media is in the hands of a few corporations -- and if you look at who runs those corporations you will see ties their ties the "old boy" club is stronger than ever. This is nonsense -- it's sound logic and makes sense on the surface but it completely overlooks the main thrust of this topic. Tesla HIMSELF couldn't make money on his own designs. He tried fighting the powers the be and lost. He wasn't alone. You don't wield the kind of power and influence this group does without knowing how to silence threats. It happens every single day. There's no question that for every valid conspiracy theorist you find you can point to hundreds if not thousands of nut jobs who are spouting nonsense. Disinformation campaigns work for a reason. But this doesn't mean every conspiracy theory is nutty. In Tesla's case, it's well documented and proven that there was indeed a massive conspiracy organized by the most powerful men in the world to discredit and keep his designs out of the public eye. It happened before, less than 100 years ago in this case, why would you ever think it can't happen again? That's just ignorant.
  15. That's not an answer, I was being serious and not trying to be truculent with my response. Nothing I've said about Tesla is controversial unless you don't know your history, which it seems you might not.
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