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We Come In Peace

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Everything posted by We Come In Peace

  1. Censorship! YouTube took the video down! BOOOO!
  2. A sound stage in Burbank.
  3. Okay, I missed this until this morning. This is my new all time favorite video EVER. The parts you pointed out are hilarious, but I think my two favorite parts are the ad-libs by the narrator. The one right at the very start, "this is very dramatic music" (like he didn't realize the mic was on) and the one at the 2:50 mark where the narrator makes a comment about the man "taking the blankets while no one is looking". I want to buy the narrator a beer. "The telephones no longer work... there's no one left to call." I spoke too soon. The best is the end: "They huddle together, the poor, the cold... the homosexual." Did Anchorage write this copy?!
  4. Using an Apatow clip to make fun of someone for watching an Apatow show is the height of hilarity. Well done, sir.
  5. Are you directing or writing? Or both?
  6. Never post and drive. I mean drive and post.
  7. Absolutely. The most terrifying part to me is the younger generation, the ones who are the most tech savvy, are the ones who are so gleefully surrendering their privacy on a daily basis. So much so that they see it as a necessary means to an end. Hell, everyone in the country now carries with them a fully functioning GPS tracker/microphone surveillance device that the government (or any technically competent ne'er-do-wells) can hack and access at any moment. A whole generation is growing up not knowing anything BUT our current electronic nanny-state and thinking that it's fine so long as their wi-fi is fast and tweets are live streamed. Think about that 25 years now.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WY_amJ0YZrM
  9. That was like taking a glimpse behind the curtain during childbirth -- some things you can't un-see (un-hear).
  10. That was my favorite part of that picture. I figure the dude in yellow is 3rdnlng, green is ICanSleep and shirtless is Nanker, celebrating the bro-mance.
  11. You really don't see the issue?
  12. Everyone knows the Bird has the best agent, at least when it comes to numbers: It's just too bad he was incarcerated for excessive pimpin' and cape wearing.
  13. I can think of someone who needs it...
  14. Wasn't trying to win, was just poking fun. I know, ancient history is hilarious.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7TGY_oPykI
  16. Idiocy is believing that the NRA only has it's hands in the Republican pockets or believing that gun control is an issue that the Democrats support. They don't. Further idiocy is ignoring the plain and clear evidence of the NRA's lobbying efforts to kneecap the ATF and continue their disinformation campaign to protect the profits of the gun manufacturers who call the shots. But thanks for playing.
  17. There's no going back. Not without a massive and shift in the political and social zeitgeist -- which only comes from pain and catastrophe. And by then it might be too late.
  18. It's a continuation of the all out assault on our right to privacy. It's bad enough police cruisers are being equipped with heat sensors that allow them to "see through walls" on their patrols, now we have drones with that same capability, constantly in the air monitoring everyone, everywhere, without any sort of legal construction to assure due process. And people's reaction is, "meh". ESPECIALLY the younger generations which is the most terrifying part. The beginning of the end.
  19. This is my point. (Didn't look at the Slate article, just speaking in general) You know better than most on here about the rapid advance of technology, especially governmental/military grade hardware. If the old cliche is true that the military has tech 10-15 years ahead of what the public knows about, then how confident are you that we won't develop fully autonomous drones in the near future? This is the problem with the slippery slope. Human controlled drones are just the beginning.
  20. There are well documented procedures and protocols for how police and other law enforcement agencies handle hostage situations. Each one differs based on municipality, but each are governed by state and local laws, regulations and all shootings are subject to a thorough review by either IAD or civilian boards (most times both). SWAT doesn't drive around, constantly on call just in case there's a call. They're also humans and have the ability to think, reason, prioritize and communicate. Drones have none of those capabilities and none of the guidelines, restrictions or review mechanisms in place. This was a silly comparison to make.
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