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We Come In Peace

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Everything posted by We Come In Peace

  1. With Cyprus? Or the entire EU?
  2. Jokes are never fun when you have to explain them. But the best jokes have truth in their DNA.
  3. I like your premise and think there's a lot of truth to it. But it's an easy out and lets the biggest culprit off the hook, at least to me. The reason for our ever diminishing attention spans is directly tied to the corporatization of big media and the public's ever increasing awareness of media bias. The easiest way to get the mob's attention has always been and continues to be through fear. So if you don't have a sexy message you can sell in a 24 hour news cycle, you go negative because conflict always sells. But fear not. Big Media's days are numbered and they know it. And when they're gone, I believe that the public's attention span and overall intelligence will skyrocket. Then again, I'm an optimist.
  4. Thanks. I've never heard of it before but it seems like I'm hearing it more and more (from people I don't take seriously naturally). Makes me wonder if it's gaining popularity again because it fits so neatly into the anti-corporate rhetoric that's in the leftist political zeitgeist. Though, conspiracy nuts tend to be predominately conservative/libertarian leaning folk so I might be reaching.
  5. All writing is manipulative. That's the entire aim of the author. Manipulating the audience to feel an emotion is the goal. Sometimes making someone uncomfortable is the goal as well. Not sticking to formula doesn't mean a show is bad, nor does it automatically make it good.
  6. This post poses questions, not statements. This is a new conspiracy theory (or at least new to me) that I've been running across lately and figured I'd throw it out to PPP for discussion/enlightenment. Nuts and bolts of the theory are as follows: The United States of America is in fact a corporation and we as citizens are NOT governed by common law as we have been led to believe. Instead we are subject to the UCC (though I don't understand the enforcement mechanisms available to the UCC since they're not a governing body). Each citizen is bonded at birth as evidenced by their birth certificate. The value of each citizen is placed at $10m and insured as such. The Corporation of America trades and borrows against its assets (the people), using the bonds as collateral. "Evidence" presented includes 28 USC 3002 which states: 15) “United States” means— (A) a Federal corporation; (B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; © an instrumentality of the United States. I'm fairly certain this is not enough to pass as congress creating a federal corporation, but I'm not a constitutional lawyer. Additional evidence is also presented in various forms, each one crazier than the next. Is this a new theory or an old one that's been dusted off and trotted back out? I find it hard to believe, but I guess that's what makes it a conspiracy theory.
  7. Not the question you should be asking... the question you should ask is whether it's more likely that: a) a skinny person who's called fat so many times he ends up going to a weight watchers meeting or b) a non-racist righty being called racist so many times he ends up going to a conference about how to prove you're not a racist. Both are ridiculous. Which is the point of the joke. If you let others define you, then you've already lost. Denying that there is a select group of GOPers that are motivated by racism is as silly as someone on the left denying there's a select group of Progressives who are waging class warfare against the wealthy. Doesn't mean everyone on the right is a racist nor everyone on the left a class warrior. In fact, I'd be willing to be the racism card can be played on both sides of the aisle as we've seen it many, many, many times from the left. Hosting a seminar (especially one with such a ridiculously comic title that makes it easy for people to crack "you might be a redneck jokes") about it does not help the right's image on race -- especially when said seminar ends up devolving into a defense of slavery. It makes the right look bad and even more out of touch than they are. People don't casually throw around the racism card -- at least serious people don't. The ones who do casually throw it around are easily put in their place or easy to ignore. And serious people who are called racists when they are not know the difference between a blowhard regurgitating a talking point and someone who's sincerely accusing them of racism. Of course you have a whole bunch of racists who think they're not racists at all... so the fence swings both ways. Which is why, if you have been called a racist sooooooooooo many times that you feel compelled to attend a seminar about it, chances are you're doing something to cause that kind of rhetoric. Otherwise, you wouldn't care because "sticks and stones..." Learn to laugh at the idiots. Even the ones on your team. It makes life easier. Sure. Your point would be valid if not for the video of the conference. Watch it and tell me that guy defending slavery is just misunderstood. One of the best shows never to get a chance. Hilarious! Good find, B.
  8. Don't even JOKE about that!!! You're too close, Tom, TOO CLOSE I TELL YOU!
  9. Some people have fetishes. It just means more jokes for the rest of us.
  10. They invented something called 'the outdoors'. You might want to freshen up and step outside for a few minutes.
  11. Because if you don't like it then it must be bad, right?
  12. Holy hyperbole, Batman! And people wonder why Deadspin gets a bad rep. :lol: That one made me laugh though.
  13. You mean right? I know. Thank you for agreeing. He's just glad you didn't call him a Wednesday.
  14. Actually, it's an apt analogy. Spot on even. Me thinks the lady doth protest too much...
  15. I'm not talking in circles, you and B are just not reading what I said. What I said was IF you've been accused of racism so many times in your life you actually feel the need to attend a panel titled ""Are You Sick And Tired Of Being Called A Racist When You Know You’re Not One?" then chances are you ARE a racist. And you know it's true. A skinny guy doesn't walk into a weight watchers meeting titled: "Are you sick and tired of being called fat when you know you're not?"
  16. Did millions show up for that seminar?
  17. You added that word, not me.
  18. If you have been accused of being a racist so many times in your life that you have to attend a seminar titled "Are You Sick And Tired Of Being Called A Racist When You Know You’re Not One?" I got news for you. You ARE a racist.
  19. The churches and charities of this country do far more than any other nation. US Citizens as a whole are more generous (righties and lefties) when it comes to charity as well. But it's still not enough to make a dent in some areas.
  20. But isn't there a difference between recreational drugs/alcohol/video-games etc and medicinal drugs? Let's say I'm poor and have a chronic illness. Medicine is expensive and necessary for me to survive -- isn't that what public assistance is for?
  21. Let's say you're in California or Washington or Colorado and you have a legal prescription for medicinal marijuana, would a positive test prohibit you from getting welfare or disability? Let's say you have a prescription for oxycodone (or another "legal" big-pharma narcotic) due to a chronic condition or recent trauma, would a positive test prohibit you from getting welfare or disability in that case?
  22. This is an interesting point... I wonder what the geographical demo is of PPP though. I see a lot of handles suggesting most of the regulars on here live elsewhere now. More so than on the main wall.
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