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We Come In Peace

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Everything posted by We Come In Peace

  1. Agreed. I know there are a lot of NASA nerds on OTW, anyone have any theories?
  2. I think Bender said it best, it's something called:
  3. Come on, you gotta admit that one was funny.
  4. For those space and sci-fi nerds out there, I found this article worthwhile. Though, I don't think the solutions are necessarily "weird", in fact some sound down right plausible. Or at least more plausible than the current reality. http://io9.com/11-of...radox-456850746
  5. Because it's all an illusion.
  6. That requires common sense, something most politicians lack.
  7. This is incorrect information. Desert Storm, Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom were all voted on and funded by Congress. While not formal declarations of war, they were not waged with Executive Powers alone. Now, we can quibble over the semantics, but anything costing over $3 Trillion (and climbing) and over 4,000 American soldiers is not what the Constitution had in mind when determining war powers and is precisely why Congress was called on to vote. Theirs is not to reason why, eh? That's cold blooded, homes.
  8. There's a massive difference. Both in consequence and cost. You and Tasker and the others who are killing the guy for signing up to serve without having the foresight to see he'd be immediately tasked with serving in a war that had nothing to do with 9/11 and was the first ever first strike war waged by the United States are being a bit harsh. Not to mention disingenuous.
  9. Thank you for proving my point about the misinformed.
  10. Expound on that point if you don't mind. Prior to 2001, how many first strike wars has the US waged in its history? Not operations, but wars.
  11. Secrets make baby Jesus cry.
  12. I know, right? I laughed at that too. I think it's the first that I recall happening, not counting reality tv shows where that's probably happened a few times.
  13. Maybe I'm in the minority, but I think he looks more like the silver John Wayne.
  14. Worth a full read no matter which side you fall on in regards to the march to war. http://dangerousmind...eeds_to_be_read
  15. They cast a Moroccan actor named Mehdi Ouazanni ... the rest was done with makeup and possibly some VFX in post (but I'm not certain). By the way... I noticed the pun there. Well played, B.
  16. Big Media being the viacoms, the turners, the comcasts -- big corporate congloms that currently control the airwaves. From cable news, to network news, to sitcoms to dramas, "Big Media" is in full scramble mode trying to figure out how to keep the current system in place. But they're losing the battle and everyone knows it. From Netflix, to YouTube to Hulu to the blogosphere, younger viewers/readers are turning away from traditional media outlets (cable, tv, print journalism) and getting their information and entertainment from the interwebs. As the older generation begins to die out (myself included), the younger generations aren't going back to traditional media. Network TV is dying, cable TV is beginning it's death spiral, print is already dead. Point being, with more people turning to outside sources for news, there is less control of information by the Big Media -- the ones who have the most money invested in our current string of politicians. This certainly leads to a lot of misinformation (people who cite Drudge or Maddow's blogs as solid news sources) but it also leads to true intellectual freedom with things like Wikileaks. 20 years from now Big Media will be all but gone. There will be a vacuum that will have to be filled, but the power and freedom of information on the internet will change the game for the younger generations, for better and worse. It already has.
  17. First HBO puts W's head on a spike in Game of Thrones, now History Channel is getting into the controversy business by casting Obama as Satan! http://www.deadline.com/2013/03/the-bible-stirs-controversy-with-its-satans-resemblance-to-president-barack-obama/
  18. It's called a back-door pilot in the biz... mitigates risk by folding the budget (partially) into the flagship's budget and serves as a bridge for the target audience to follow to the new show. It happens a lot. NCIS LA is doing one this week with Corbet and someone else (I forget who), Criminal Minds did one a few years ago for their spin off, ditto with the various CSIs.
  19. Probably with the later part but not the first. Big Media is dying a quick and painful death. The internet isn't going away.
  20. Have no fear, I have VHS copies of http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0087985/ and also http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0093898/?ref_=fn_al_tt_3 . I will be prepared for anything they throw at me.
  21. Dammit! I knew it!
  22. Um... do you realize who owns most of the central banks?
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