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We Come In Peace

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Everything posted by We Come In Peace

  1. But do you really think there is/was an agenda by Google when they posted that image? If they thought anything about it, I'd imagine the most likely reason to do so would be to stir controversy for ***** and giggles / free pub. Nothing more and certainly nothing sinister or political in nature.
  2. I've heard plenty of sonic booms before as well as military training up close and from afar. I haven't heard any of the mysterious booms myself, so I am only going off second hand accounts, but the witnesses I've talked to say these booms are nothing like the ones they've all grown up hearing. The reports are of localized "booms", sensed by their dogs before anyone else (like seismic activity), and loud enough to rattle bookshelves, windows and picture frames.
  3. The topic is more interesting than the article. http://www.cnn.com/2013/04/01/opinion/zelizer-generations-x-y-political-maturity/index.html?hpt=hp_bn7
  4. Then how in God's name did you become a Bills fan???
  5. Dug it. Wish I had waited until next week to watch though so I could have watched two back-to-back. This one was all set up / re-establishing where the characters are in the world.
  6. ...So in other words, taking advantage of an opportunity in the market to improve their bottom line?
  7. Roll up a fatty and enjoy.
  8. But not surprising considering PaattMaaann can't even spell his own name correctly.
  9. Well, I saw the movie and even you have to admit that Zuckerberg got pretty lucky. Originally the movie was going to be directed by Michael Bay. He dodged a CGI'd bullet on that one, me thinks.
  10. You'd probably have to role play just to convince her to let you touch her. ZING!
  11. I haven't heard any of them first hand so I can't say for certain. But the reports say they're definitely not from artillery fire or sonic booms. Have a friend who's entire house shook, pictures broke, books fell, dogs went nuts -- but his neighbor three houses down didn't hear or feel a thing.
  12. I remember and appreciated your thoughtful posts on the issue as much then as I do now. Now, my posts on the issue back then... yeeesh. (Rodney Dangerfield collar pull) Cheers.
  13. Apologies if this has been covered -- I'm just catching up on this. I have been looking into several of the alleged booms in Kentucky but just learned there were some recently between Buffalo and Rochester. Did anyone hear anything near them? http://thedailynewsonline.com/news/article_db9ca928-8dee-11e2-801c-001a4bcf887a.html?fb_action_ids=227441624068021&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_source=aggregation&fb_aggregation_id=288381481237582 http://www.earthfiles.com/news.php?ID=2058&category=Environment
  14. I call that Saturday and Sunday.
  15. Only 5 minutes? Treat yourself, man! Load up some Palin clips off YouTube along with some Tina Fey doing Palin and then some Game Change clips with Julian Moore doing Palin and you got yourself a party.
  16. That's not true. I understand your point but that's just silly.
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