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We Come In Peace

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Everything posted by We Come In Peace

  1. Oh, God, a wookie in my anus? Now that's something you don't see every day.
  2. I said she isn't in my anus. Which is true. She's not. She's far too classy of a lady for that kind of tomfoolery. I misspoke -- 1 billion Catholics. 2 billion and change is the number of Christians. Pretty much dead even now. And, furthers my original point, the world is not turning increasingly away from God. But LA still won't answer... pity. I took him for a stand up guy.
  3. You were afraid of a dog leash? Wimp. Try an extension cord.
  4. Clearly, you are not familiar with the material, my own political views, or North Korea's.
  5. You can't make this stuff up. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/01/28/tennessee-wants-to-tie-welfare-benefits-to-good-grades/
  6. A black hole snacks on a "Super Jupiter" planet... http://www.space.com/20580-black-hole-eats-giant-planet.html
  7. Well, the eyes are the nipples of the face. Sooooo...
  8. Beat ya' to that joke, holmes.
  9. I'm not trying to catch you in anything. I'm honestly asking you to explain your position. For the record, I used the word deity in the OP, not the poll. The (multiple) polls and census data clearly show the majority of people on the planet believe in God. Over a billion Christians and over two billion Muslims currently residing on the planet makes that point a certainty, and that doesn't factor in any other major (or minor) faiths.
  10. Humor me and explain what you meant in the above statement. I could be wrong, and if so I'll happily admit it. I don't think it is either, but I could be wrong. Which is why I'd like to hear LA explain his rational behind it.
  11. I can't, yo' momma's already there! ... I kid. She's really not in my anus. I swear.
  12. Wait a second... that's OUR thing! That's the last time I share ANY gossip I hear at Borg meetings with Melissa. Sheesh. That's hands down one of the most hilarious things I've read in a while. Thank you.
  13. Okay, then humor me. Take a look here: ... ...which lead to this: What do you mean by that statement?
  14. I believe a lot of people would find someone disparaging their beliefs and their God hateful, would they not? Isn't that why you started this thread?
  15. Allow me to show you... Care to rethink your statement? That's a lot of hate and spite thrown out in one Christian post.
  16. If I had to try to understand why you say half the things you do, my soul would literally be sucked out my !@#$.
  17. Once again you presume to lump everyone together. I am by no means an atheist and do in fact consider myself a Christian. But thanks for smearing everyone with the same hateful brush. Way to bring the discourse level up. I am not an atheist and have never claimed to be one.
  18. You don't need to be a local to understand that the world is NOT turning away from God as LA contends. The country with the largest percentage of atheists is France clocking in at only 30%. As of 2008, less than 15% of Americans stated they don't practice an organized religion with only 1% of the population claiming to be atheists. The numbers don't back it up.
  19. I want to laugh at this, I know there's a joke there but I'm missing it. Who did I smoke out with?? (I forget a lot)
  20. I think the numbers on this one don't back you up... despite the rise in secularism throughout the past 1,000 years, the majority of people on the planet continue to believe in a deity. But keep on believing the religious right's propaganda machine.
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