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We Come In Peace

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Everything posted by We Come In Peace

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3iIEonuRLM I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure this one got snubbed by the Oscars. SPOILER: That's Crayonz making an appearance at the 11 second mark.
  2. Either way it makes me laugh. But I'm sick in the head so don't go by me.
  3. Not generally. It IS a dictatorship and a messianic one to boot. There are many atrocities committed under the all types of banners: Monarchy, democracy, religion, secularism, liberalism, tribal law. Pick a system of belief and you'll find a pile of dirty laundry soaked in the blood of the innocent. Every pickle is a cucumber but not every cucumber is a pickle. The point being, if someone (OC in this case) is presenting themselves as an authority on the subject and yet they can't differentiate the finer points of government structure, then are they really an authority? Obviously we all know OC isn't, but this just makes it clear.
  4. No argument here. There always is more to the story. Hyperbole or media hype aside -- that's the crux of the story. Had they been husband and wife, there would be no issue. Go check out Reddit and the libtards posting over there about it. That will get your blood boiling.
  5. I never said they were synonymous.
  6. B would know better than me seeing how he worked in a hospital.
  7. There is more. Reports are it started because the night nurse wouldn't check the power of attorney because she found gay marriage to be icky, this led to a confrontation with another family member who felt the same and led to the escalation. Not stating that's what happened, it's too early to know, but that's the buzz.
  8. I'm not standing in the middle of the road on this one. Dismissing the existence of a society is as intellectually dishonest and dangerous as saying everyone's children belong to the collective. And if Thatcher is going to steal lines from movies, she should at least do it in Miyagi's accent.
  9. Nothing like good old fashion compassion. http://fox4kc.com/2013/04/10/man-no-longer-allowed-to-visit-husband-at-kc-area-hospital/
  10. That's true, people with half a brain would probably think that. While people with their entire brain are smart enough to know the difference between socialism and Kim Jong Un's dictatorship. But thanks for stating for the record that you have half a brain and don't know what you're talking about. You lose. Again.
  11. That's as silly a quote as the OP.
  12. Good advice about the chair. I haven't tried that yet, maybe I will today when I do my meditation. I did it cross legged yesterday and both legs fell asleep to such a degree I completely biffed it when I tried to get up. It was like trying to walk on rubber pogo sticks. The more I've looked into this over the past few months, the more surprising names I find of people who swear by it. I had no idea Stern meditated. But there is a lot of material out there showing how a lot of creative and genius level folks in the sciences all credit meditation or their connection to the universal consciousness as the source of their inspiration. Interesting. See what I mean about being surprising names doing meditation? If John Adams is doing this, then I'm totally in. Very cool, thank you for sharing. There are definitely a lot of useful information in here and it's very inspiring. Cheers!
  13. :lol: Thank you, love Carlin and somehow missed that bit! I thought it was a time lapse kind of thing, but they don't really say in the article unless I missed it.
  14. That's good to hear. For one it means I'm not wasting my time, so thank you for sharing. I have some newbie questions for you if you'll indulge me. The most pedantic one first, do you close your eyes or keep them open? Or does it even matter? I've also read a lot about proper posture while doing so, obviously each discipline has their own theory but did you use a specific posture or find one to be most helpful when starting out? That's cool they taught that in HS actually. And I shouldn't be a wise-ass in my own thread, but when I first read that I just imagined your gym teachers convincing you all to meditate so they could have a free period.
  15. So... you're saying North Korea is a socialist government? Because that's the point I was making fun of. You are claiming to know the material on North Korea, yet in a rhetorical joke against yourself you ascribe that form of government to Pyongyang -- which clearly shows you don't know the material as well as you claim. Shocking, as I'm sure that revelation is to the rest of the posters on PPP who are used to your nonsensical posts.
  16. Unless it was really the MSS pulling the cyber strings.
  17. I'm prepared for the jokes that are sure to come... but I'm asking for real. I've recently started meditating for twenty minutes once a day, just to see what it's all about. I've been reading up on the subject and there are obviously many different types of meditation and practices/beliefs associated with them. I'm still new to it and frankly am not even sure I'm doing it right. It's quite difficult to turn off your mind, even one as dim as my own. Does anyone here meditate? Do you find it helpful or beneficial to your life?
  18. Fine. I'm sorry your mother was never in my anus. .... I already said I had the numbers wrong when you rightly called me out on it. And I already answered your question about the ratio of Christians to Muslims in the world.
  19. Would you like me to apologize? It's a little under 2 to 1.
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