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Everything posted by K-Gun10

  1. Another Patriot linked to alleged dealer Posted: Friday June 06, 2008 07:49AM ET An accused drug dealer who allegedly sold hundreds of OxyContin pills to a New England Patriots lineman is old pals with another player and was a longtime political aide to an East Boston lawmaker, the Herald has learned. Daniel Ekasala, who faces charges of peddling the addictive prescription opiates to hulking Pats player Nick Kaczur, is also a childhood friend of former Patriots tight end Jermaine Wiggins. The two grew up together in East Boston but Ekasala's lawyer, Bernard Grossberg, said his client hasn't talked to the player in years. Boston Herald
  2. Ralph hates 4 o clock games wont happen.
  3. Agreed im going to throw History of Violence into the mix.
  4. I wonder if he got fired after that, I hope the boss didnt overreact.
  5. ok sorry didnt know that then i will throw in Heat, pacino and deniro at there best.
  6. Action, Young Guns 1 and 2 (suprised they havent come out with newer one). Drama, Raging Bull and Traffic great films.
  7. I had a free screening to see this and expected it to be what it was funny at times but bad, please dont waste your money, interesting cameos tho by Dave Mathews and Mariah Carey whos in it for like an hour and looks great. pretty good review on it http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/24955023/
  8. Today Posted By: Chris Brown | Time: 7:10 AM ET | Link PATS OL ARRESTED ON DRUG CHARGES: According to the Boston Globe New England OL Nick Kaczur was arrested on drug charges then turned informant to nail a dealer. Though Kaczur denies any knowledge of the sting operation the Globe reports he was likely a part of, the Pats lineman was apparently addicted to oxycodone a prescription pain killer. This isn't uncommon with football players as we all remember Brett Favre's addiction to vicodin. Earlier this offseason Pats special teamer Willie Andrews was arrested on drug charges to which he has plead not guilty. ---
  9. June 3, 2008 Posted By: Chris Brown | Time: 10:52 PM ET | Link CB BUTLER SIGNS WITH SAINTS: Former Bills cornerback Jerametrius Butler signed with New Orleans. The Saints are shorthanded in offseason camps with Jason David and Mike McKenzie suffering injuries. We'll see if Butler is able to stick once David and McKenzie are healthy again. Ironically, Butler was signed by the Bills due to a shortage of healthy corners last fall. ---
  10. Drowning mona, Shawn of the dead, Screwed, and Hot Fuzz
  11. Today Posted By: Chris Brown | Time: 3:12 PM ET | Link BILLS RBS COACH AMBUSHED: Bills running backs coach Eric Studesville was ambushed by his running backs at the start of individual position drills at Thursday's OTA workout. The group of seven (Mike Viti was absent) wrestled Studesville to the ground and began delivery playful birthday punches as the coach was celebrating a birthday today. Studesville, who is also the team's run game coordinator, took the "gesture" by his players in stride laughing it off before getting the group right back to work. There's a popular theory that Marshawn Lynch was behind the sneak attack. ---
  12. http://www.movieweb.com/news/72/28972.php
  13. Didnt he produce that recount movie that premiered on hbo this week?
  14. Porter: Cheating Patriots got off easy Posted: Saturday May 24, 2008 07:34AM ET Dolphins linebacker Joey Porter, whose Steelers teams were stopped one game shy of two Super Bowl berths because of AFC Championship losses to New England, believes the league let the Patriots off easy for their role in the Spygate cheating scandal. "They cheated," Porter said Friday. "I feel like there should be an asterisk on it, just because [disgraced track star] Marion Jones, she gets caught, they take the gold medals back. Obviously, they got caught." South Florida Sun-Sentinel
  15. I really wonder what Titan fans think of this if our star player said this we would be irrate.
  16. i was supposed to go at midnight i was exhausted will go friday night.
  17. http://www.movieweb.com/news/87/28787.php
  18. I read spoilers for next weeks finale if there true alot of people are going to be upset with a dull showin, hope what i have read was false.
  19. Today Posted By: Chris Brown | Time: 11:43 AM ET | Link MOORMAN, VITI ARRIVE: Punter Brian Moorman and fullback Mike Viti are practicing today after missing the first day of voluntary OTA workouts. Offensive tackle Jason Peters is not in attendance. Quarterback J.P. Losman is not at practice today as he is handling an out of town conmitment. He is expected back some time next week. --- Today Posted By: Chris Brown | Time: 2:30 PM ET | Link JAMES HAD A GOOD DAY: Day two of OTAs for the Bills and Will James made his presence felt. Currently working with the second unit at right cornerback James was decisive and effective in coverage. His best play made have been a lunging pass breakup to defend a comeback route. His veteran presence at corner will be valuable in light of the veterans that have departed the past couple of seasons (Clements, Thomas, Webster). --- Today Posted By: Chris Brown | Time: 2:33 PM ET | Link MCKELVIN'S FIRST TEAM REPS: With Leodis McKelvin getting first team reps at LCB while Terrence McGee operated under a reduced workload, it's obvious how quickly the Bills want to get their top pick's feet wet. And McKelvin did not disappoint. He fared pretty well with the first team defense. It seems the coaches are eager to see just how much he could help right away. http://buffalobills.com/news/news.jsp?news_id=6090
  20. Actually looks pretty good. http://www.movieweb.com/news/79/28679.php
  21. What if LOcke is supposed to be Ben, and now since they found locke there outing ben, Ben seemed to be a lil depressed this episode.
  22. Man we win the super bowl i dont care who gets arrested.
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