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Just Jack

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Everything posted by Just Jack

  1. I'm in one of the club sections and I did notice some steel reinforcement was added this past season underneath the upper deck to the concrete. Kind of a band aid to keep the upper deck concrete from coming apart.
  2. 10,000 Maniacs - Hey Jack Kerouac ABBA - Fernando Johnny Cash - A Boy Named Sue
  3. There is also Oswego, Onondaga Community College, and Cayuga Community College in the area.
  4. I don't think SUNY has showed any interest, which is why it went on the market.
  5. That's exactly why they are closing. Cazenovia College to permanently close after spring semester (localsyr.com)
  6. Return Of The Jedi will be back in theaters, for the 40th anniversary. How many will go see it? SWCE 2023: Star Wars: Return of the Jedi Will Be Back in Theaters for 40th Anniversary Celebration | StarWars.com
  7. The Marvels teaser trailer is out...
  8. One near me just became available... Cazenovia - Agrep-Sales.com
  9. Syracuse cracked down on places without a license several months ago. Last fall, a place opened a few doors down from where I work, constant stream of people in and out. I noticed shortly after Syr stated they were stopping places from selling, that the store was not open anymore. Not sure if they were made to close, or closed on their own.
  10. No, he was Gene (RIP)
  11. Barenaked Ladies - When I Fall is about a window washer thinking about suicide.
  12. My first experience with a cell phone was using my uncles car phone in the mid 1980's. My first cell phone I owned was a bag phone, in the early 1990's. Good old analog phone, pumping out 3W signal strength. It was this particular model actually... Radio-Shack-1992-OCR-Page-0086.pdf (worldradiohistory.com)
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