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Just Jack

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Everything posted by Just Jack

  1. If you like true crime stories, talked about by the agents that were involved, but you don't have a lot of time, check out FBI True on Paramount+. True stories from the FBI, in half hour episodes. I've only watched one episode so far and I'm hooked.
  2. I had the TV on for background noise this afternoon, on TBS with a Friends marathon. It was a Halloween episode and the last line Chandler had in the episode was "I should kill myself." Surprised they let that episode air, or edit it out.
  3. One day at a time.
  4. What if the sexes were switched? A 24 year old male teacher with a 13 year old girl?
  5. Get the t-shirt... https://a.co/d/aKo0w1m
  6. I've seen posts/pictures about people finding items at Goodwill with dollar store stickers still on them.
  7. Down to 15, three of those eliminated did not even make a pick this week.
  8. From what I've been able to figure out, it's a vibrator for your PP. I say we take up a collection and buy one for @Gugny to test.
  9. They're too old for her.
  10. I've seen some articles that said it could have been a heart attack/cardiac arrest. Another article I saw said that he had been playing pickleball for two hours beforehand. So maybe lots of cardio with a heart issue?
  11. Travis and Taylor is another popular one this year.
  12. You didn’t see your 35 page happy birthday thread back in July? So many people wishing you well.
  13. Has it held up? I've been seeing a lot of ads for the latest season and am thinking of watching it.
  14. Nope, states with multiple teams will retain one of those teams, and the other(s) would move. Criteria #2. States with multiple teams, will need to relocate teams to a state with no team, to get them down to one team remaining. So in PA either the Steelers or Eagles will stay.
  15. First criteria was states with just one team, retain that one team. So Buffalo stays where they are. NYC will still get their NJ team, plus one in CT and RI. PA too if you keep the Eagles where they are. NJ would keep one of their two teams.
  16. Lions would stay in Detroit. Wolverines are a college team. This is for fun, not to be taken seriously. Did you read the thread title?
  17. So you would kick the Bills out of state to move one of the NJ teams into NYC?
  18. Here's my list Teams that are staying put Arizona - Arizona Cardinals California - San Fransico 49ers Colorado - Denver Broncos Florida - Jacksonville Jaguars Georgia - Atlanta Falcons Illinois - Chicago Bears Indiana - Indianapolis Colts Louisiana - New Orleans Saints Maryland - Baltimore Ravens Massachusetts - Boston Patriots (renamed) Michigan - Detroit Lions Minnesota - Minnesota Vikings Missouri - Kansas City Chiefs Nevada - Las Vegas Raiders New Jersey - New Jersey Giants (renamed) New York - Buffalo Bills North Carolina - North Caroliina Panthers (renamed) Ohio - Cleveland Browns Pennsylvania - Pittsburg Steelers Tennessee - Tennessee Titans Texas - Dallas Cowboys Washington - Seattle Seahawks Wisconsin - Green Bay Packers States with a relocated/new team Alabama - Birmingham Commanders (relocated from Maryland) Alaska - Alaskan Bald Eagles (relocated from Philadelphia) Arkansas - Little Rock Duck Callers Connecticut - Bridgeport Chargers (relocated from LA) Delaware - Delaware Chemists Hawaii - Honolulu Dolphins (relocated from Miami) Idaho - Idaho Spuds Iowa - Des Moines Pig Farmers Kansas - Kansas Plain Indians Kentucky - Kentucky Distillers (relocated from Cincinnati) Maine - Maine Lobstermen Mississippi - Mississippi Blues Men Montana - Billings Rams (relocated from LA) Nebraska - Omaha Jets (relocated from New Jersey) New Hampshire - New Hampshire Miners New Mexico - Los Alamos Atoms North Dakota - Fargo Oilers (relocated from Houston) Oklahoma - Oklahoma City Tornadoes Oregon - Portland Shoplifters Rhode Island - Rhode Island Clammers South Carolina - Charleston Buccaneers (relocated from Tampa Bay) South Dakota - Mount Rushmore Presidents Utah - Salt Lake City Mormons Vermont - Vermont Skiers Virginia - Richmond Dogwood West Virginia - West Virginia Coal Miners Wyoming - Yellowstone Geyers
  19. DC is not a state according to the government. “Taxation Without Representation”
  20. 26 more states to go
  21. No, because the Raiders are already in Nevada. 22 more states to go
  22. Is London a state in the US of A?
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