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Just Jack

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Everything posted by Just Jack

  1. It’s still 200 level seating. I have a suite right behind my seats, but I don’t call it Suite Level seats.
  2. Oh, ok, so you're not in the clubs, you're just in the 200 sections. And it looks like the Family section.
  3. That was my exact thought. I'm confused. 226 is corner endzone, there are no suites, just the Press Box and indoor club above that. Are your seats outside?
  4. I've been looking to go on an Alaska cruise for a while. One thing several people have said is if you're doing the cruise with land tour, do the land tour part first, so you can relax on the ship the second half.
  5. At least he has his hockey career to fall back on.
  6. When you do a search on ebay, once the results come up, scroll down and look for a check box on the left side that says "Sold Items", it will then re-do your search and show you the auctions where the item sold and how much it went for. buffalo bills little people 2021 for sale | eBay
  7. 7pm EST, get a look at the new Stadium Experience.
  8. About 6 years ago I was working as a field tech for a national service company. Paychecks and expenses were starting to come late, like hours or a day or two from the norm. I looked at a former company I had worked for and they happened to be hiring, so I emailed the owner asking if they wanted me back. He said yes. Put in my two weeks notice. On my last day I started reaching out to the company I had been with about meeting up with someone to return some equipment and tools I had. No answer. Next week, still trying to get someone, no replies. About two weeks later I heard they shut the doors and everyone was let go. I was one of the lucky ones, I was only out about $1700 in expenses that were not paid back. Others who stayed were out about a months worth of pay plus expenses. But hey, I ended up with a nice hammer drill, an 8" tablet, and some other odds and ends.
  9. Didn't this happen to another player last year? Same scenario, team sends out a Happy Birthday tweet, hours later team sends out tweet that player was cut/released. EDITs, these were all in 2023 EDIT: Found it, Packers with Jonathan Garvin EDIT 2: Browns did it also, to Michael Dunn EDIT 3: Jets and Chris Glaser
  10. I thought the Bills just get charters from Delta, using whatever was available. Not a specifically modified plane.
  11. I've got a lot of other shows I watch, according to my TV tracker app, I'm over 300 episodes behind all the shows I watch.
  12. Never watched the show but this may be of interest to most of you.... https://www.thrillist.com/news/nation/sopranos-booth-holstens-final-scene-ebay-auction Auction link https://www.ebay.com/itm/335280064819
  13. My ex wife for some reason got in in her head that I needed a dog, ignoring the fact I was typically on the road M-F and she would be the one to take care of it. We ended up with a pit mix (I forgot the official breed name they said it was) from the local Humane Society. First time we took it to my parents house, my nephews were there visiting, I believe both were less than 10 years old. The older of the two runs right up to the dog, grabs both sides of it's face, and I'll tell you, I had a moment of panic because this was the first child that I knew was interacting with the dog. Thankfully it did not do anything but start licking my nephews face. We ended up taking the dog back within a few weeks, because like I said, with me on the road, and my ex's medical issues, she realized she could not take care of it properly. We did recommend to the shelter they look for a family with kids that can play with it for the next owner. Later that year, the shelter send out a "year end" newsletter. In that newsletter was a picture of the dog we had with their new family, so I'm glad it did get adopted.
  14. Pro wrestler Ole Anderson, member of The Four Horsemen, dead at 81 (nydailynews.com)
  15. No, I only remember someone putting a flute where it normally doesn't go.
  16. Yes, because it's proof someone was there.
  17. This article helps clear up one question on PSLs, how they will be paid... What Bills season ticket holders need to know about PSLs (spectrumlocalnews.com) Basically... 1) Pay in full immediately 2) Pay over the next two years 3) Pay over 10 years with a loan from M&T Thanks to @Hammered a Lot for the link to the article.
  18. There are Josh Allen autographed jerseys there for half that price. I get that it's rare for an unused ticket, but really should start the pricing at $100.
  19. The latest step in the process, STH's will now have a second account executive to deal with for the new stadium, different than their current account rep. Just got this email...
  20. I'll always remember, back in the Empire Sports Network days, he was on the Paul Maquire show with Steve Christie. Paul mentions that Christie contract was up, and would have to be renewed. Christie laughs and throws his arm around John, but Butler has this shocked look on his face, like he did not know. That very next season Butler was gone to San Diego. My other JB story, Hall Of Fame induction for Jim Kelly, leaving the area on our bus we are following a car, and come across a police sawhorse blocking the road. The driver of the car in front of us gets out and moves it. As he turns to get back in his car, we realize it's John Butler. April, 2003.
  21. Cam Newton Brawl Video Took Place After 'Heated Game,' Trash Talk at Football Event
  22. There may be laws, or it's written into the contract, but think of it this way. When I was renting, a 10x10 was about $100/month. If I go three months without paying, and it goes to auction, if someone pays the storage site $2000 for the contents, the storage facility just made $1700 by sitting on a locker that only owed $300. Plus not having to take the time to deal with cleaning out a unit and selling all the stuff is a time saver too.
  23. The one I went to they open the door first before the bidding starts.
  24. I used to watch some of the storage auction shows years ago, yea there's some made up drama, but depending on the one you watch, it's pretty close to what actually happens. I did go to one accidently one time, I was at my own storage locker the same day they were doing an auction. The regulars do know each other and joke around about "so and so will buy that pile of crap." There was one locker I remember had only a couch in it, no cushions. I think it went for $1 to someone that had already bought another locker. If I were to get into it, with my luck I'd be the one paying $500 for a locker worth $20.
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