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Just Jack

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Everything posted by Just Jack

  1. I saw another article that mentioned Nathans paid him $200K to be in last year's contest.
  2. There's suicide by cop, maybe this is suicide by bike?
  3. I've been getting the parking pass since they first included it with my season tickets. It's no big deal.
  4. I'm in the very last section and row of my club, and I haven't been contacted to set up an appointment. I figure I'll be one of the last ones they call. When it happens, I'll let you know.
  5. Update: he went to jail https://youtu.be/4QZjYvC5168?si=uDAVAD6MIs6tFueM
  6. My first time flying SW, I was walking through the terminal and saw a sign at one of their service desks that said "Ask me about upgrading your position in line" or something like that. I stopped, showed them my ticket, it was a same day purchase so something like C35. They do their tapping on the computer and say they can get me A5 for..... $15. Sold.
  7. You can find it in those pamphlet displays at the thruway rest areas, between the "Greatest attractions on the US side of Niagara Falls" and the "Mighty Taco Fine Dining Guide"
  8. True story. My brother used to work in a retail store and had a customer ask him if the Styrofoam coffee cups could also be used for cold drinks. I anxiously await your report on how the air fryer has affected the marriage/divorce rate also.
  9. In other TM/LN news, change your passwords if you have an account with them... Ticketmaster, Live Nation user data listed on black market: lawsuit (usatoday.com)
  10. True story from several years ago. I'm on a three-lane highway, and see a firetruck coming up behind me, running lights and sirens. So I move over into the right lane and slow down. They get up next to me in the middle lane and slow down, matching my speed. So I slow down even more. And they slowed down. Finally I'm like, screw this, and come almost to a complete stop. They finally pass me and keep going. Have no idea why if they are in a hurry that they would not pass me at speed.
  11. When you’re in heavy traffic and someone is tailgating you. I can’t go any faster than the vehicles in front of me, so why don’t you back off.
  12. I did not actually meet the fan, but I was doing an install at a Wendy's out in New Mexico. In the manager's office I noticed a memo from their regional manager hanging on the wall about upcoming promotions, changes, etc. At the bottom was a blurb about Ralph Wilson passing recently. I asked one of the employees and they told me the RM is a Bills fan and is always putting a note about the Bills at the end of his memos.
  13. They still have a few slots to fill in, I've been keeping track since I'm planning vacation those two weeks...
  14. Nicole Brown Simpson's final days: 'Angry' over legal letter from O.J., missing set of keys and more from Part 1 of new docuseries Lots of details in this article.
  15. Never really watched football, then I went to college (SUNY Alfred) and my roommate was a Bills fan, so every Sunday we'd watch the games. It was 1988 so it was just the right time for me to get into them.
  16. They probably wanted to keep their jobs. If you were the supervisor and the NFL called saying one of your flight attendants assaulted their $$$ player, would you tell them "oh well"?
  17. I thought it was SDS forcing us all to go out side and have a life.
  18. I can see the logic there, but this was about 10:30-11:00 am in the morning, on some busy roads.
  19. There's a Navy Blue version in medium, if you don't mind the darker blue color. It's the third color circle, between black and smoke.
  20. Maybe in store is cheaper. And only Small and 2XL left in yellow.
  21. As Keon's mother taught him, buy it in the summertime, a season or two before, it'll be cheaper.
  22. GUESS Men's Hooded Puffer Coat - Macy's (macys.com) Currently $90 online at Macy's
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