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Just Jack

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Everything posted by Just Jack

  1. The networks do this too with NFL games. I've noticed one of the networks, can't remember which one, seems to deaden the crowd noise. They will talk about how wild the crowd is, but you're not hearing it through the TV. Whereas others, it's a constant dull roar of crowd noise the entire game. Four years from now
  2. This is one page I found of theirs... Dreamer - The Supertramp Experience - Tribute Band Toronto, ON - The Bash I'm on the fence about going. It's at one of the local casinos. Tickets would be $30-$45 depending on where I sit. It's not sold out, so I could probably even wait till day of to decide.
  3. So, let's say 20 games a season, when you include pre-season, but not playoffs. $350 x 20 = $7,000 I think he can afford it.
  4. I've worked in a casino before, doing slot machine video lottery terminal servicing/repairs. Back then, about 2012-2013 I was getting $17/hr, which was considered high at the time.
  5. Where do I send my resume?
  6. What are your thoughts on cover bands? There is a Supertramp cover band coming through my area, and as seeing they have not toured in years, and it's a group I would want to see, I'm considering going.
  7. I did, 8am Saturday was the only option she told me. I'll wait till I get back home from working on the road, and see what might work for me based on the wife's schedule. Maybe one of the days before July 4th.
  8. They’re not making it easy for me. Saturday the only option was 8am.
  9. Got my email invite this morning. Not sure if I'll even be able to go, since they only show M-F available, no weekends.
  10. Watch the Brat Pack documentary on Hulu last weekend. Eh. My feeling, it's just all of them saying "we didn't like being called brats." They never really touched on why they were called the Brat Pack. If just one had said that they were young, famous, and had money, so they acted like brats, I think I would have enjoyed it more.
  11. It's too nice to be mine.
  12. 10 days. I remember the old days when there would be 10 sessions in the first week.
  13. I wonder what this kid is up to today. Too lazy to look it up myself if someone else wants to.
  14. Does she like "hot dogs" as much as him?
  15. There was an email sent to season ticket holders a couple days ago.
  16. I've always wondered that and would submit it to MythBusters if the show was still on. And ask if the reverse was true, if your waste equals 5 pounds, will a scale show a 5 pound difference before and after.
  17. That was 2015. I remember because I took my then GF/now wife and it was just about a year after we started dating, so a lot of her family/friends were expecting me to propose to her there. Not at the game, but in London in general. Toronto was farther back than 10 years, still under Ralph's watch. I'll add my bad, the swag and promo giveaways have gone down a lot in the last 10 years. Used to look forward to getting my season tickets each year to see what they included in the package. Now it's just the cards and parking passes, maybe a printed-out schedule.
  18. Southwest Airlines increases prices for early-boarding products: Travel Weekly
  19. If you have seasons, contact your ticket rep.
  20. I saw another article that mentioned Nathans paid him $200K to be in last year's contest.
  21. There's suicide by cop, maybe this is suicide by bike?
  22. I've been getting the parking pass since they first included it with my season tickets. It's no big deal.
  23. I'm in the very last section and row of my club, and I haven't been contacted to set up an appointment. I figure I'll be one of the last ones they call. When it happens, I'll let you know.
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