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Just Jack

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Everything posted by Just Jack

  1. PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) Shop All Hi Vis, FR and PPE Safety Products Every site I've been on has required a certain amount of PPE no matter what trade you are, and even the site supers would wear it. Make her cover up, before she lawyers up. (copyright pending)
  2. Diagnosed a couple years ago, my test night I think they recorded around 60 times in one hour on average. When I would have to drive for work, Syracuse to either Albany or Buffalo, each being about a 2-2.5 hour drive, I'd have to stop at least once to take a 20-minute nap or risk falling asleep at the wheel, I was so tired. Now I can't imagine sleeping without it. I did make adjustments to the settings after using it the first week. They had set up the pressure to start at 4 and it felt like I was struggling to breathe, so I changed it to 5. The high end was set to 16, I dropped it down to 15 since it felt, as someone here said earlier, like a leaf blower on my face. Before I had it, it was not unusual for me to sleep 8-10 hours on the weekends and still be tired. Now 7 hours seems to be my sweet spot and I'm not as tired as I used to be. Insurance paid for the unit also.
  3. When the wife and I go shopping, I'll stay out in the main aisle, and she will go and grab what we need from the product aisles.
  4. How I remember Flutie... Post game interview after a win "I did this, I did that..." After a loss "We could not do this, we could not do that..." When leaving the stadium "Lowly Bills employee, bring me my car so I can avoid all these fans hanging out near the tunnel waiting for autographs" And saying he's 5'10"? Maybe in cleats. I've stood next to him and he is my height, which is 5'8"
  5. To protest, I'm not going to rewind my tapes before returning them to Blockbuster. If DVD users don't need to rewind their disks, why do I have to rewind my tapes?
  6. I once went to get some for a former girlfriend. Had her give me the flap off the empty box she had so I knew exactly which ones to get. This was early 1990's so no cell phone in everyone's pocket. Another story, from when I worked at a casino. Talking with one of the game attendants and she mentions buying condoms always makes her nervous, she was just 20 years old, I was 43. I told her that she needed to just go in, grab a box, and slap it down on the counter and stare at the cashier, like "yea, I'm having sex and being careful." She said she could never do that. So, when I went on my lunch break, I bought her a 12 pack. They're escaping the stores now... Marty the robot escapes Pennsylvania grocery store
  7. Box of 5 dozen this morning Costco $21.49 Walmart $28.99
  8. I'd have to see the front of the machine, but from what I can hear in the video, sounds like a small mag lock was holding the door shut. Anyone could have opened it with enough force.
  9. Side story, when I worked in a casino, I'd get my lunch from the snack bar. Early on I printed out their menu from the website, and each day I'd try something different, to find my favorites, likes, and avoid, items. Eventually though, the taco salad, and turkey burger which were two of my favorites, were not big sellers and they took them off the menu.
  10. First choice is an appetizer sampler, depending what is on it. After that, wings, mozzarella sticks, onion rings, tenders, in that order depending on availability.
  11. You know one of the players dared his kid to do that.
  12. Resolution introduced to combat Trump's third-term hopes If term limits are ended, what two term president would you vote for if they were to run?
  13. That’s my guess also.
  14. Last year both were released on the same day, May 15th.
  15. Andor returns April 22nd...
  16. My typical go-to is a meat lovers with black olives added.
  17. I went to a Syracuse University game a few years ago. I don't remember who the visiting team was, but their main RB would get the hand off, and then just stand there, until a hole would open up, before he'd start running. And it worked every time. Try doing that in the NFL.
  18. I'm not. That would add on 1-2 year for both marriages combined.
  19. 19.26% on the current marriage, 28.44% combined marriages.
  20. My ex-wife had a friend that was on her third marriage. She married husband #1 (H1), cheated (C1), divorced H1 so she could marry the C1/H2, then cheated on C1/H2, divorced C1/H2 so she could marry cheater #2 (C2/H3). And before my ex and I split, I think she was in the process of divorcing C2/H3.
  21. I've been on plenty of construction sites. Some are all professional, and some are "frat party" style. It all comes down the the general contractor and how they run their site.
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