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Just Jack

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Everything posted by Just Jack

  1. Way back when, during Drivers Ed in high school, if the teacher (who was also the local Chief of Police) felt that you did not stop long enough at a stop sign, you would have to get out and apologize to it. And to ensure that lots of people knew you screwed up, he would roll up all the windows and turn the radio up, because if he could not hear you from inside the car, you were not doing it right. He even had a printout of what to say to the stop sign for you to read.
  2. Henry Ford Museum Houston Space Center US Space And Rocket Center
  3. If you want something more football related, there is Get Back Up by Barenaked Ladies, but it's not well known, and not quite a sing along except for these lyrics... "Get back, get back up You gotta get back, get back up You got a whole stadium on their feet, it's not about a victory or a defeat See you gotta get back, get back up You gotta get back, get back up"
  4. Or how about this, which I actually did hear at a wedding reception. The couple is no longer together, don't know if the song choice had anything to do with it.
  5. The Bills 2023 game in London against the Jags was considered a home game. So the only way they go next year is if they're the visiting team.
  6. This one is straight from the Bills... Buffalo Bills 2025 Opponents | Buffalo Bills - buffalobills.com
  7. Hi New Era, my wife is actually a Geriatric Social Worker here in NYS and offered some insight. Unfortunately, Medicare does not cover much in terms of Home Care Services, etc without a skilled need or post hospitalization requirement. However you should have a local Office of the Aging or Area Agency on Aging who can help guide you on what services she may qualify for. She did a quick google search and found this website (not sure how helpful it will be but at least it is a start): Las Vegas Aging and Developmental Disability She also suggested connecting with your local chapter of the Alzheimer's Association: Desert Southwest Chapter as they may also provide some insight and guidance (here in NYS the Alz Assoc offers care consultations where they will meet with the family free of charge to talk about concerns, provide education and help with planning.) As for your medical question, while she is not a doctor she has worked in the field for over 20 years and explained that COVID can take a lot out of a "normal" person but when you add in the effects of COVID, your mom will likely take a hit. The hope is that she will recover some from her bout with COVID, but as with any older adult, she may not get back to where she was prior to getting sick. She also looked up potential Geriatrics offices in your area for more medical guidance (here in NYS she works for 1 of 10 Centers of Excellence for Alzheimer's Disease within a Geriatrics Office). It looks like UNLV has a Geriatrics program that may be worth looking into with regards to medica care focused on aging and her dementia. UNLV Health - World-class doctors close to home. Hopefully this will be helpful to you and your family.
  8. Bills fans are not nasty to all visiting team fans...
  9. Do you just give her the finger to the lips "be quiet" motion, or do you go and gag/duct tape her mouth shut?
  10. It's the same argument as with Rob Johnson after the Titans playoff game. RJ had the lead when he left the field. It was the defense/special teams that lost that game.
  11. When table jumping first started to become a thing, I looked to see if there was somewhere to buy in bulk, like a truck load, to bring to games and resell. Just couldn't find them cheap enough.
  12. How did your actions yesterday help the Bills win? Something you ate? Did you change your shirt at halftime? Kick that annoying friend/relative out of the house? Stay in a Red Roof Inn and fear for your life, since your room was a crime scene? I’ll start… No Bills gear worn at all and played games on my phone while glancing up at the TV every so often. You're welcome.
  13. Last year they showed her heading to her suite, they drove her up as close as they could, but she still had to walk the last 100-200 feet through Bills fans. Can't just sneak in like other stadiums to the suites.
  14. You need to see the video leading up to that 10 seconds of him smashing the phone. That kid had been harassing him for several minutes before that happened.
  15. I've heard that before, he only does it because the fans expect it. Now it is only going to be when he wants to do it. But maybe if people volunteer....
  16. Since he spent the night with @boyst in a flea bag run down motel, I'm guessing it's not all sunshine and smiles in Josh's world.
  17. My Dad used to work in a paper plant here in the US, owned by a (at the time West) German company. He found a flaw in the paper they were sending over and explained to them what was causing it. They did not believe him, so he had to fly over and show them in person. There was much screaming and crying among the employees there that the American had showed them how they f'ed up.
  18. $35 for season ticket holders. Must be pre-paid as part of your season ticket package.
  19. When I worked for the local county, our office was in the sub-basement, two stories underground. It used to be the old bomb shelter. There was a bunk room down there, where I may have gone and taken a 20-minute nap sometimes.
  20. May be geared to kids, but I'll still watch it...
  21. A couple new trailers out this week...
  22. 2015 Toyota Rav4 that I leased then purchased. My next vehicle will be either a Toyota Tacoma, 4 door with a 6 foot bed, or a 4 Runner. Maybe in the next few years. The Rav is still going and looks decent for being almost 10 years old.
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