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Just Jack

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Everything posted by Just Jack

  1. Like the Bills yearbook videos during the drought. 3-5 minutes of game highlights, and 25-30 minutes of how the new coach/players/draft picks were going to help the Bills get back on track for the new season.
  2. How did your actions yesterday help the Bills win? Something you ate? Did you change your shirt at halftime? Kick that annoying friend/relative out of the house? Go rock climbing with your daughter before the game, then have dinner with the in-laws? I’ll start… Same as before, no Bills gear worn at all and played games on my phone while glancing up at the TV every so often. You're welcome.
  3. It's more than just a trophy.
  4. Pittsburgh and Cleveland's stadiums are both available. Or just play at UB with minimal fans.
  5. Snow Removal Crew Gets Highmark Stadium Ready for Sunday Night Football!
  6. Traffic cameras from the area of Milestrip and 219 New York Cameras | View Live New York Cameras | 511NY
  7. Does Squirrel Winters have his tractor all ready to go if Josh needs digging out?
  8. Well, Alec does not have that QB money for a romantic setup like Josh.
  9. I'm calling dibs on the toaster.
  10. Any Black Friday deals on PSLs?
  11. Watch him screw up and schedule the wedding for the fall of 2025
  12. I did earlier this Fall, and a few weeks ago I came down with something, that while not as bad as TBBF describes in their post, was still what I can only describe as a very bad cold, that lasted about two weeks. I was still able to work but was popping drugs multiple times a day to keep going. I did take an at home Covid test, which came up as negative, since it first started as a sore throat and that's how Covid started for me the two times I did have it. One person thought I might have the flu, but I never got an official diagnosis.
  13. December 12th
  14. Does Supercuts count as a beauty salon?
  15. A guy I used to work with was big like that, and had some medical issues that required surgery, basically they removed so much of his stomach that he was going to be on a liquid diet the rest of his life. Saw him years later and he had lost so much weight the only reason I knew it was him was by his voice. At least there were employees working. Here in Syracuse back over the summer there was a day the employees just left, so customers were going behind the counter and just taking keys to the cars they thought were for them... Hertz staff abandoned post at Syracuse airport, so people just took random cars (report) - syracuse.com
  16. Went and saw TSO this past weekend, or as DCTom would call it, Grandma's Heavy Metal concert. Fifth time seeing them, but the first time for a different story. We usually get the girl sleeping in the theater, who ends up going home. This year we got the business man who gave up his son after he was born. I liked the girl in the theater story better. Different stage setup also. So was it worth it, yes, since it was different than other years.
  17. My wife's family will have over 30 every year. Even though they've been doing this for decades, they still have to discuss and debate who is bringing what every year.
  18. Don't forget to check out "Christmas In The Spotlight" on Lifetime for your "based on a true story" pop star and football player romance.
  19. Got the email from the Bills, season ticket holders will see charges for playoff tickets Jan 6th, unless you opted out of the automatic sale plan. Extras can be purchased December 12th.
  20. I used to take a former car to the dealer for service, it seemed every time my bill would be $3XX. I joked one time that I wondered if someone had a car payment due.
  21. The title says it all, what song or songs bothers you the most? I'll start...
  22. Actually, he was a really great guy. The only people that did not like him, were the type to always be in trouble with the law.
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