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Just Jack

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Posts posted by Just Jack

  1. Hey Jack - Mr Sirius representative. Know where I can get a REALLY good deal on one?


    Here are my requirements:


    1) I want it for my car.


    2) I dont want to have to do any major wiring myself


    3) I DO NOT want one that plugs into a cassette deck

    thanks, let me know.


    JVC Complete Car


    Includes the tuner and car kit, saving you $50 if you were to buy them seperately. And it's easy to move it from car to car.

  2. I feared cyber warfare, as terrorists have undoubtedly discovered by now that shutting The Wall down will create anarchy on a wide scale, causing cats and dogs to start living together...mass hysteria!!!


    It's actually a horrible plot by business's across the US to keep us posters working, rather than checking the Wall every two minutes for the newest posts.

  3. Something I learned while working retail many years ago, and is good to remember during the Christmas shopping season. Cash is always fast, credit second, checks are last. And if you're going to write a check, start filling in the store name, date, and your signature, before you get to the cashier.

  4. What's the status of the technology regarding satellite radio, will there be walkman size receivers in the next year or so?  From what I've seen you have to use a boombox size receiver when it's not in the car.


    The boombox is only an option for the Audiovox PNP2 unit. If you have a home stereo, you can get a home docking unit that'll plug into your RCA jacks on the stereo.

  5. Any more tenting stories out there?


    Two come to mind....


    July 4th weekend a few years ago, near Old Forge (Limekiln Lake State Park) I went camping with some friends. They went up on Wednesday, I came up on Friday after work. Since I had worked that day, I was first to go to bed. There had been a bear roaming around the area, being very brave to the point he was stealing food of picnic tables, as people were standing not even 10 feet away. As I'm nodding off, I can hear snorting from somewhere nearby. I can also hear the people across the street talking about seeing the bear at that same time. Next morning one of those people told me the bear had been right next to my tent.


    Labor Day weekend, near Foxboro, MA a couple years ago we were staying in an upscale RV park. Looked strange, all these RV's and us with tents. Anyways, first night after we had all gone to bed we can here commotion outside. I was thinking it was some kids getting into our coolers since we had beer in them. I open the zipper on the tent slowly, look over to the tables where the coolers were (about 20-25 feet), and see a cat and skunk are digging into our trash bag. "stevestojan" I said, my buddy said "what's up", I said "there's a skunk in our trash". I picked up one of my sneakers and threw it at the ground near them, the cat ran off, the skunk had it's head in the bag so it didn't notice. Grabbed my other sneaker, threw it, and hit the bag. Luckily the skunk jumped out of the bag and ran off.

  6. jack, i gotta tell you -- i owe you big time.  if not for your post about the friends and family deal earlier this year, i wouldn't have "seriously" looked into sirius.  now i'm so hooked it's silly.  what a great freaking product.




    One of the posters here told me at the Tailgate that hearing myself, and others here, talking about how much they love Sirius, they went and bought stock in Sirius. They recently let me know that it's definitly was a stock to look into. I've even told the company holding one of my IRAs to drop some of my mutual funds and get me Sirius stock.

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