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Just Jack

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Posts posted by Just Jack

  1. The Latitudes are as good as anything out there except high end Thinkpads but cost ALOT less.  Dell's "Complete Care" warranty is the best in the business - they actually offer it on the Dimensions now.


    That's what the Sheriff's department here uses in their cars, the Latitude CPxH. There have been 3 that I know of where the airbag has gone off, and destroyed the laptop, Dell still honored the Complete Care warranty. I wish I could find the picture I took of one of them.

  2. My intials are JEW

    It never came up in conversations during school that I remember, but I never mentioned it either. Biggest problem was when we would have substitute teachers, they would read my first name and middle initial together, and ask if "Jackie" was here. I wouldn't answer. Then when they would ask if someone was missed, I'd raise my hand. "Name?" "Jack" It had a side benefit of them thinking I was pissed so they wouldn't call on me for anything else during class.

  3. Yeah, I'm with you on that one. They always seem to find the perfect family and build the perfect house. That, in my opinion, is why the show is so good. It's not just building a new house for anyone, it's always for a deserving family. Much better than renovate my family because I can't stand that little puss, Dr. Phils son.


    One person I work with was thinking of submitting an application for his home. I asked him what was going to be his reason, he said because he and his wife don't have the time to work on their house. That was it, that was the reason. I told him not to bother, they wouldn't pick him.

    These people do get me choked up at the end when you see the joy in their faces during the reveal, and I'm a cold hearted bastard.

  4. Lindell is a shaky kicker to start, but with the wind the way it was yesterday, there was little to no chance he'd make that kick.


    That was my thought too when I saw them come out for the try. I was hoping it would be a trick play where Brian would pick it up and run.

  5. As it was, he almost made it -- just a bit short and wide.


    I don't know how the view was on TV, but he wasn't even close to getting it to the uprights due to the wind. I had a perfect side view in section 238, the ball once it got about 5-10 yards from the goal posts, just stopped, then started going backwards and down.

  6. One of the guys I work with found $80 on the sidewalk out in front of our building, and turned it in to security. They took his name and number in case whomever claimed it wanted to thank him. A week later, security calls to say that no one had come to claim it, so if he wanted the money he could have it. I was surprised that 1) no one had come to claim it 2) security themselves did not keep it


    There still is good in the world if you look around.

  7. Jack, hired "head hunters" have a dubious reputation - along the lines of "earn $5,000 a month at home"... or "Let us submit your Invention to Industry" :ph34r:


    Not all of them. There are ones that would always call my dad trying to get him to go work for companies that were looking for someone with his skills, even though he wasn't looking for a new job. The companies you're refering to should not be consider as head hunters, they are scam artists.

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