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Just Jack

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Posts posted by Just Jack

  1. On the plus side, this is a late season game, so the people coming are coming to see the game, not like the early season games where some people come just to party, get drunk, and maybe fight if someone says anything to them.


    Respect the people around you if they are visitors, and remember to talk to security before deciding to take matters into your own hands.

  2. Ummmm...nobody.


    As you may recall, the wager was not who was "closest" to picking our wins/losses for the year, but rather who could pick them "precisely." It was over by week four, but of the 200 people in the bet, only nine were left after week 1.


    I'll remind everybody about this next April when everyone looks at the schedule and starts predicting what our win/losses will be. And naturally, I'll offer the wager up again to anyone next April who can predict the outcome accurately for 2005.


    Is it too late to get my picks in?

  3. You can call Bledsoe Bledslow, you can say he holds the ball too long, you can say a lot in criticism of Bledsoe, but ...


    Humpty?  Why?  Has he shown an RJ ability to get a contusion on his butt?  Has he torn rib cartilige by falling on the ball?  DB is anything but fragile.  To the consternation of most anti-DB people, he just doesn't get hurt.


    I stopped reading this guy a while back.


    Remember his last season in NE, when he got hurt and finished the game while bleeding internally. If that was RJ, he would need Mercy Flight to get him to the hospital before the play was whistled dead.

  4. I certainly am not putting down someone who is trying to better themselves. Not that I even brought this up, but my issue is with people who use such programs but never give back. You'll end up making more with that college education and thus eventually contribute more in taxes. It all works out. I just cannot stand those who continually live off the government without any real effort to enable themselves to support themselves.


    I used to live in an area where kids looked forward to turning 18 because they could go on the welfare, get married/shack up and start popping out kids. It's sad that some people look forward to the free handout. I'll stick to trying to get my handout via the lottery or casino.

  5. Flag Etiquette


    My brothers and I always get a kick out of this:

    The flag should never be used for any advertising purpose. It should not be embroidered, printed or otherwise impressed on such articles as cushions, handkerchiefs, napkins, boxes, or anything intended to be discarded after temporary use. Advertising signs should not be attached to the staff or halyard


    Think about all those July 4th picnics you've been to where someone has paper plates and napkins with the flag on them. That's also wrong according to flag etiquette.

  6. Some games the O.P. Police have limited the waiting line  (the shoulder of Big Tree Road) others games not.

    I will tell you wjere not to park this game and that is the Muddle Lot next to Lot 1,

    white house at the enterence, next to VIP/regional driveway. We are having a mettle down this week and they did not plow their lot (I did Monday) unless it freezes saturday night.... got 4 wheel drive!!!!!!


    If you can't get in Lot 1, Hammers lot is equally close, it's between Drive 6 and Drive 2 on this map, south of the Corolla lot.

  7. Wait a month when the PRO shop has it's mark down sale. Or take your $20.00, go to venders row see the Tailgaters stand (on Abbott  in front of yellow house near Milligans) and get 2 sweatshirts for the price of 1 t-shirt. They also have some nice t-shirts  $5.00


    I thought about waiting, but decided to get one now. My problem with waiting is they never seem to have my size left in the sales items.

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