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Just Jack

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Posts posted by Just Jack

  1. Steal underpants.


    Make Profit.



    [A mining cart full of underpants flattens Kenny]

    Stan: Oh my god they killed Kenny.

    Kyle: You bastards. Listen we have to give a huge speech about corporate takeovers.

    Gnome 3: Holy sh--, we killed your friend.

    Stan: Ya, ya, ya. Look, we gotta know about corporate takeovers tomorrow or we're screwed.

    Gnome 2: Christ! We squished him like a bug!



  2. Something interesting to watch for is Brian on the Net worth team.  I know this guy personally, and went head 2 head against this guy in business.  He is shrewd, rude, and cut throat... Won't stop at anything, and in business, all is fair game.  I wouldn't be surprised one bit if he makes it all the way.  Now that our businesses no longer conflict, we are on good terms, but he can be nasty, watch out!  He's like 28-29 years old now, and is a millionaire, guy is just good at bringing in the $$$.


    Is that the one that asked The Donald about the mortage story at dinner? The Donald does not care for swearing, and I think that alone could get him fired if he does it during a Board Room.

  3. Easy to say, hard to do.  They only had an afternoon to get trained.  The two who were trained and only on the registers were still very slow because they didn't know what they were doing.


    Except that the registers they are using are almost idiot proff now. Someone wants a Whopper, you hit the box marked Whopper, then it brings up the options, like if you don't want onions. Things have changed alot in these last 10-15 years in how registers work.

  4. I really thought The Donald was going to fire Andy when he found out that Andy had decided only to train two people on register. But I still feel he made the right choice in letting Todd go. If I was PM, I would have had everyone trained on both register and kitchen, so anyone could jump in anywhere to move people along.

  5. I think Denny has been working on the museum for 5-6 years now........

    I think he had a budget of $30,000.....

    I think he said when the museum is done, he is out of a job.....

    I think........


    He needs to make sure that he'll be the curator of the museum then.

  6. Dunno.  When I was a kid, a neighborhood kid went to Disneyland via car.  He was a popular fascination for years hence.


    I went to Disney World when I was 14 via car from Northern NY. Not a fun trip coming back. I would advise families against using a car. Fly instead.

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