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Southern McButterpants.

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Everything posted by Southern McButterpants.

  1. Beat me to it . . . I was gonna post "Photoshop is cool."
  2. Yes! All federal policy should be dictated and directed on the basis of CNN popularity polls. Free cheese and missile launchers for everyone!!! I can't believe that the left is making an issue out of this. Like you really expected him to say, "Well, golly . . . we should leave them all alone then." What a sad and simplistic view of the world and the place that the USA has in it . . .
  3. You've obviously never been to Cleveland, Atlanta or Milwaukee during baseball season . . .
  4. Ahh . . my eyes . . . my eyes . . .
  5. A week from today, Ticketmaster will seek a preliminary injunction in Federal District Court in Los Angeles to stop RMG Technologies from accessing the Ticketmaster system through automated programs. Ticketmaster believes RMG provides resellers repeated access to Ticketmaster.com via a proxy server that moves these buyers to the head of the digital line Linky
  6. My 11 year old daughter wants to go see the Jonas Brothers (i know, who?) in the worst way. So I pony up $40 to join the Fan club so I can get tix during the pre-sale this morning. There is a limit of 4 tix per login as well, so I figure I have a decent shot at good seats. I paid about $140 each for tickets to see Hannah Montana back in December, so I don't want to get burned again. 10:00 AM rolls around and the website is overloaded. Server is giving a timeout message. After frantically hitting refresh for 12 minutes, I get my password and am re-directed to TicketMaster. The first set of tix is in the 400's! Yuck. I cancel and go back. I'm getting section 306 at Darien Lake. Cancel . . . refresh . . . 3 more time, still section 306 . . . Not the worst seats, but not what you would expect 12 minutes into a pre-sale. So I buy them. She gets to go with her little friends, but I would like to have scored better seats . . . Stubhub and e-bay already have tickets in the 100 and 200 levels selling for $200 - $400 per seat . . . I am all for free enterprise and really do not want to see government intervention into this, but the software used by brokers to override the ticket limits and bypass the login process at ticketmaster and other sites ought to be illegal. If you want to buy tix and sell 'em after market, go ahead . . . but put me on a level playing field with the brokers so I don't have to pony up $200 for tickets to what will be a kids event.
  7. My latest favorite has been Coppola Pinot Noir . . .
  8. Yeah! It's not like Ottawa or Detroit or the Devils keep all of their talented players and contend year after year . . . oh, wait . . .
  9. Awesome! Great find . . . can't believe Rush isn't coming to Buffalo on this leg of the S&A Tour . . .
  10. Howie Long couldn't hold Bruce's jockstrap . . . what a joke . . .
  11. Who cares . . .what really matters is Ricojes got his avatar back
  12. How does taking out one tanker cut off the flow of oil from the Gulf? What motivation does Iran have to shoot a member of OPEC in the a$$?
  13. Diet Pepsi or Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi. . . Diet Coke is mule pee . . . Coke Zero is OK, though . . .
  14. I don't think that's where Spitz was using the "A$$"troglide . . .
  15. I do hate the Pat's (but not as much as the Fins) and they do get a awful lot of breaks in games. I'll root like heck for Indy next week, but will always root for an original AFC team in the Super Bowl. I have too much of a grudge against the NFC and all of the crap surrounding the 15 or so wins in a row from the mid 80's through the late 90's. What sticks in my craw about New England is my team has had it's ups & downs but got really great for 6 years. They went to 5 of 6 AFC Championship games, winning 4. They go to 4 straight Super Bowls and lose 4 in row. Granted, i don't think they were a better team than the '92 or '93 Cowboys, but were for damn sure better than the '90 Giants and the '91 Skins, and SHOULD be 2 and 2 in the big bowl. New England, with a few exceptions, has truly been one of a handful of teams that has been worse than the Bills throughout history. They get great for 6 years and win 3 out of 5 Super Bowls. ARGH! Let's face it folks, the Pat's just won the Super Bowl yesterday to go 4 out of 6. I will shocked if any of the other 3 teams left can beat them. Let the drinking begin.
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