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Southern McButterpants.

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Everything posted by Southern McButterpants.

  1. TJ Watt has got to be injured. He is g dping nothing out there other than locking up on a blocker.
  2. I’m not pinning all of this on the Bills. That was an atrocious job by the refs. They basically carried the Pat*s to their last score.
  3. Now let’s see if the D remembers how to play football.
  4. exactly. Please stop drafting and signing undersized players. Sick and tired of watched EVERY TEAM get a push on us.
  5. Yeah, find a drunk guy in the stands and dress him.
  6. Ugh. This defense is just garbage. All I heard all week was how the Pat*s O-line is made up of “replacement level” players. They look like the freakin’ Hogs out there.
  7. After further review. We need to screw the team playing against the Chiefs.
  8. I would be very surprised if we don't see a repeat of yesterday. I fear that the Lions' dual threat offense will be unstoppable.
  9. Moved to the Columbia, South Carolina area in May - Gamecocks country. We actually went to the final home game last Saturday. WOW! What a great experience. Love garnet red. Go *****!
  10. No, it was a golf clap. Nice win. See you in January. Guy is a turd.
  11. I picked the Saints for this reason as well. They just kept kicking the can down the road with no hope of being anything more than mediocre.
  12. Casablanca Force 10 from Navarone The Empire Strikes Back Jaws Big Trouble in Little China Bridge on the River Kwai
  13. At least Publix has Sahlen's Hot Dogs 🙂
  14. Seeing Bare Naked Ladies tonight in Columbia. Off topic, but remember when concerts NEVER started on time? You'd be lucky if an 8:00 PM show at the Aud would start by 8:30. I swear, you could've set your watch by when the lights went out for Rooney to open the ELO Show on Saturday. Rush, whom I've probably seen more than anyone, was really good at this after their comeback. Dates back in the 80's and 90's are a bit more foggy. Has this been your experience? Or am I just going to see the anal-retentive bands?
  15. I put the Flag up first thing in the morning, wore my red underwear, and the correct Bills T-shirt. missed one of the three the last two weeks
  16. Tomorrow night in Hot-lanta - really looking forward to this. Every review i've seen has been uber-positive.
  17. There's a lot more film on him.
  18. Two recent favorites: You like it Darker | Stephen King - nice collection of short stories/novellas. I listened to the Audio book and King himself tells two of the stories. The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August | Claire North - Nifty twist on time travel.
  19. Same. Lots of people out in week 1.
  20. Ah, good memories of Mighty.... the Bailey/Minnesota location was the bomb. And I was a VERY frequent guest at the Walkden & Union location... They've definitely changed things up since 40 years ago. That said, the wife and I were in the Buff for a family wedding a few weeks ago, and we stopped at MT for a quick lunch. They were better than the last few times I had visited in the 10+ years since I moved away. Big, saucy, no skimping on cheese. Close to the "old days." Wings at Duff's were bangin' too!
  21. No, they ask me to remove my backpack from the overhead and stick it under my feet for the flight 😡
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