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Southern McButterpants.

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Everything posted by Southern McButterpants.

  1. Wonder when the Al Gore "Fight the Smear" website will be up and running . . .
  2. "She's very lovable and though she's not a human, she can act like a real girlfriend." Intereting . . . I didn't know that scientists had perfected artificial nagging.
  3. They played "Psycho Chicken" by the Fools for the entire weekend. The song is a parody of "Psycho Killer" by the talking heads. Good times . . . goood times.
  4. And BTW, y'all need to lighten up. Is this the most tasteful thing ever posted on this board? Far from it, but it's relatively harmless.
  5. Why is it always hot blondes and where were they when I was 14??
  6. Sounds like the perp was either drugged up or just plain nuts . . . Reminds me of the case in Kenmore a few years back when a woman killed her toddler. Scary that people like this are out there. Cop should get a medal for removing the beater from society
  7. Oh, come on Chef . . . "I asked my love to give me she-eh-eh-el-ehl-ter. But all she offered me were dreams." Drama ia an under-rated album.
  8. Where's Trevor Horne when you need him? Yes was (and still is) one of my favorite bands . . .
  9. Dude, you're not playing golf, you're drinkin'. You're just doing it in a golf cart
  10. What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs under a pile of leaves? Russel
  11. I love how one guy comes in through the doors on the right and rather than helping, takes out his camera phone and starts recording . . . thanks for the help!
  12. Ugh, beat me to it by 7 minutes . . . Hilarious . . .
  13. Two words: Rich Kotite
  14. This is quite possible the most accurate description of the Democratic Party that I have ever read. Hat's off to you OC. . .
  15. Wow, i must be a noob . . . the oldest I can think of is my circa 1988 JVC single disc CD player . . . Bought it with one of my first paychecks when I got out of college and into a "real" job. It's in the basement and my 13 year old uses it all the time . . .
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