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Southern McButterpants.

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Everything posted by Southern McButterpants.

  1. 1st was a '74 mustang. It too was diarrhea brown . . . . That was the year that they down-sized the brand and put in a 4-banger. The guy I bought it from had completely re-done the electrical system, so it had major problems. On top of that, the thermostat was broke (and so was I) so the first winter was a bit of a chilly adventure. 2nd car was a bottle green '76 Buick Regal coupe with a 350 V-8. God, I loved that car. Put in a JBL stereo and 50 watt speakers and drove that puppy into the ground!
  2. Dude, step away from the glue pot . . .
  3. Y'know, I'm not surprised to see John LaFalce's hand in preventing this. that a$$hat did absolutely NOTHING for this area in his 20 something years in Congress. Why should that awesome streak of do-nothing-ness stop just because he's retired? FWIW, I'm not a gambler. I hate slot machines and I'm too cheap to patronize $5-$10 minimum gaming tables . . . As part of the "new" downtown Buffalo, this would have been an excellent addition. As for the casino only attracting locals, at least their money isn't going to Canada (or NF, or Salamanca, or Turning Stone, etc.). My $.02 . . .
  4. I thought Schouman was injured??
  5. They still have the bridge over the 219 (just before the MAAC Center) blocked off. IF you're coming up Rt 20/Southwestern, it's going to be a nightmare. Not only is it down to 2 lanes there, but the roadwork between California Rd and the Ralph isn't complete (at least it wasn't on Monday night). That's still down to one lane in each direction. I would avoid Southwestern. Maybe take the 219 to Big Tree. Lastly, I don't think getting to the stadium will be too much of a problem. Getting out (heading north anyway) will be a huge clusterf**k . . .
  6. Define most? I would say that most people would agree that most is 51% and up. I hardly think that 51% of homeowners are struggling to make their mortgage payments . . . Are some segments of the population that got rooked into houses that they can't really afford struggling?? sure . . . what is that . . .10% of the general population. At best? Platitudes and generalities . . . mantras of the american left.
  7. I'd like to interrupt this thread to thank Pasta Joe for getting rid of that re-diculous avatar. Now back to our regularly scheduled argument.
  8. Taken with a grain of salt as the Dems will pick up a huge bump from the convention . . . Reuters Poll
  9. I take it you were born sometime after 1988?
  10. That does, indeed, suck
  11. Right, cuz we should all believe EVRYTHING that's printed in the NY Times. No bias there . . . Hmmm . . WSJ disagrees
  12. Add to that the fact that he's a hockey guy. granted, he could learn a lot about football (especially since that's what he's paid to do) but he's no Chris Brown . . . Another post said it right . . . he see's what he wants to see.
  13. that's what i was thinking. . . if i find bigfoot, sasquatch, aliens, whatever . . . I'm gonna use more than a 2 megapixel camera to take the pics . . . Hoax . . .
  14. You mean like Unions telling their members to vote a straight Democaratic ticket?
  15. If $30 Billion in taxes is a "tax break," I'd love to see what they would be paying without their "huge" tax breaks. Exxon's 2007 Tax Bill
  16. I always have at least one team named Girl Drink Drunk. Girl Drink Drunk
  17. I agree, most of Hold your Fire is absolutely un-listenable . . but Time Stand Still is one of their best tunes.
  18. Time Stand Still - Rush Make each impression a little bit stronger Freeze this moment a little bit longer The innocence slips away... Summer's going fast, Nights growing colder Children growing up- Old friends growing older Experience slips away...
  19. and her husband offers this testimony to their undieing love . . . True love
  20. World ends . . . minorities and poor hardest hit . . . Film at 11
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