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Southern McButterpants.

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Everything posted by Southern McButterpants.

  1. Get over it . . .we already know that the "Kill Him" was made up by the reporter in Scranton. Oh, I forgot . . . you're on the left. Please proceed with telling a lie enough times that it becomes the truth.
  2. Well I'm glad to see that Rolling Stone, that bastion of impartial political reporting, has finally shed some light on this catastrophe
  3. Jeeeez . . . can we go back to the old pic in the avatar . . .
  4. My eyes! My eyes!!!
  5. For Elegant Elliot and his boat on the Nile . . . Speaking of “violent escalation of rhetoric” you never hear about: *Obama supporters in Philadelphia sported “Sarah Parah is a [disgusting vulgarism referring to female genitalia]” t-shirts and yelled “Let’s stone her, old school” over the weekend. Pictures and it DID Happen *An Internet artist has designated Palin an “M.I.L.P” – “Mother I’d Like to Punch” – and published a drawing of a man’s fist knocking a tooth out of the Alaska governor’s mouth and the glasses off her face. MILP *“ABORT Palin” grafitti has sprouted on the sidewalks of Seattle and “Abort Sarah Palin” bumper stickers are spreading on Web stores. Abort Palin Bumper Sticker *Sarah Palin-bashing Madonna performs before an audience of thousands, screeching and threatening to “kick her a**.” Meh, who cares what Madonna thinks . . . *Getty Images publishes a photo of a man pointing a fake gun at the head of a cardboard cutout of Palin on display at the Brooklyn Waterfront Artists Coalition building. No pic, but legitimate News Story It's call Google, Elliot . . . You should check it out
  6. Come on gimme a break . . . . Like this sh-- doesn't happen. That's the problem with the left in ANY situation. . . The holier-than-thou-smarter-then f'ckin-everyone left-wing moonbats never pull any BULLsh-- like this. Just like they didn't keep finding votes in Washingtion State until a Democrat was elected governor, just like they didn't torch a Rep election office in Ohio, etc. etc. etc. Grow up . . . . I've read a number of your posts and you usually put up a half-way decent argument. Dismissing this out of hand is living in denial. . . .
  7. "Women who perform the act of fellatio and swallow semen on a regular basis, one to two times a week, may reduce their risk of breast cancer by up to 40 percent, a North Carolina State University study found." I've never been more proud to be an NC State alum . . .
  8. 83 then 104 . . .no such thing as a spare.
  9. Bump-ee C'mon Pooj it's been 5 or 6 weeks . . . Wasssup?
  10. oh . . . thank you doctor . . .
  11. Someone set up us the bomb . . . .
  12. On the money there, Dean-o
  13. 4.87 . . . not bad for a rookie
  14. " I would like to dip my bald head in oil and rub it all over your body."
  15. I thought of another one: George: I wish there were pigmen. You get a few of these pigmen walking around I'm looking a whole lot better. Then if somebody wants to fix me up at least they could say, "Hey he's no pig-man!" Jerry: Believe me, there'd be plenty of women going for the pig-men. No matter what the deformity you'll find some group of perverts attracted to it. "Oo that little tail turns me on."
  16. Awesome . . . Both of my kids are in that picture. One in 8th Grade, one in 6th
  17. I could do this all day . . . KATYA: He'll be all right. I must go and be with Misha now. I don't want you to come with me. JERRY: Oh, why not? KATYA: It has been three days since our night together. Misha said that was all the time I needed to put in. JERRY: Really? KATYA: In my country, they speak of a man so virile, so potent, that to spend a night with such a man is to enter a world of such sensual delights most women dare not dream of. This man is known as the "Comedian". You may tell jokes, Mr. Jerry Seinfeld, but you are no Comedian. ******************************************************************************** *********************** GEORGE: Um, excuse me, I - I think you forgot my bread. SOUP NAZI: Bread -- $2 extra. GEORGE: $2? But everyone in front of me got free bread. SOUP NAZI: You want bread? GEORGE: Yes, please. SOUP NAZI: $3! GEORGE: What? SOUP NAZI: No soup for you! ******************************************************************************** ********************** I use this one all the time: George: The sea was angry that day my friends, like an old man trying to return soup at a deli! ******************************************************************************** ********************** Jerry's Girlfriend (Jamie Gertz) no I don't have a square to spare, I can't spare a square ******************************************************************************** ********************** Every time we have Salmon or Tuna: George : Yeah. No, no, no, wait a minute, I always have tuna on toast. Nothing's ever worked out for me with tuna on toast. I want the complete opposite of tuna on toast. Chicken salad, on rye, untoasted ... and a cup of tea. Jerry : You know chicken salad is not the opposite of tuna, salmon is the opposite of tuna, 'cos salmon swim against the current, and the tuna swim with it. Gotta stop there . . .
  18. Hey! This is TBD . . . Y ou spelled re-diculous wrong
  19. Can I vote "what f&$%$ difference does it make?"
  20. My son plays for Frontier . . . F*ck OP
  21. Not any more . . . IMHO just about every news outlet wears its agenda on its sleeve. I'm driving my wife nuts yelling at the freakin' Today show every morning. THE TODAY SHOW!! I need a new hobby . . . maybe soemthing nice with crayons or watercolors
  22. See? this is sand. You know what it's going to be a hundred years from now? F*ckin' SAND!! Great bit . . . Linky Thingy
  23. I like reading Peter King. That said, he can't get the Patriot*s collective diick out of his mouth long enough to notice that the Bills are actually a good team.
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