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Southern McButterpants.

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Everything posted by Southern McButterpants.

  1. Acts very intersted, but in a casual way . . talks about a first date she just had, etc. . . . but also invites me to lunch, says she really enjoyed it.
  2. Does the When met Sally rule apply to women as well. In the movie, Billy Crystal (harry) states that no man can be friends with a woman cuz the sex thing gets in the way . . . Do women think like this about men, too? Or can they really try to establish friendships with members of the opposite sex? No attraction, no wanting to further the relationship . . . Obviously, I'm getting mixed signals and need some outside help . . . Y'all gave good advice to Poojer a few months back, so I thought I'd ask.
  3. I saw this story in the Buff News this Am . . . thanks for the link, Steely . . .
  4. I thought the reason that April was named Asst HC was so that another team couldn't steal him away with a higher salary. If he's the Asst HC, he would have to have the same or greater responsibilities with another team. I'm thinking the title is mainly just that: a title . . . I could be wrong about the responsibilities. . .
  5. Van Halen with Gary Cherone - on paper it looks pretty good, but in reality, not so much.
  6. I like Dick Jauron and I think, at times, he's a fine coach. Unfortunately, when the going gets tough, Dick goes into his shell and plays conservative. This past week was a classic example. - Where were the blitzes against a guy who has fewer starts the Trent? Did we blitz at all? - Where was the innovative play calling? Running against an 8 man front isn't even playing "not to lose." - Why is it that teams ALWAYS fiond a way to take away our best weapon, Lee Evans, but we never seem to find a way to exploit defensive weaknesses. - We let a guy named BenJarvus Green-Somethingorother run for $1.05 . . . He's the 4th string back!! I somehow doubt we just witnessed the debut of the next Willie Parker . . . Look at miami. IMHO, Miami have significantly less talent than the Bills, yet they're winning . . . Why? coaches take risks, blitz, fire up their players. The Phins are playing with emotion and as a result are a very physical team. I don't think any players in the NFL are quaking in their boots about a physical match-up against the Bills. Take the Colts for example. Lots of injuries at key positions, especially the O-Line . . . they're 5-4 but look like a scrappy team. Do you think the Bills could hang with the Colts for 4 quarters? Or the Steelers Or the Titans? Or the Giants? I can understand growing pains with Trent . . . it's to be expected, but the "small balls" defense and the lack of a mean, physical O-Line is really what's costing us these games. Sadly, I don't expect that attitude to change anytime soon . . . I'm a fan. I bleed Bills Blue. I'll watch, I'll go, I'll cheer . . . But my patience is wearning thin . . . and I'm positive that I'm not alone . . .
  7. It's a valid point . . . . However, Miami is not (IMHO) a better team, although they may have a better coach. The Jets may be a better team, but I don't think they have a better coach (again IMHO) . . . So what's the excuse for the other 2 divisional losses? Bad karma?
  8. GO . . . be prepared to be utterly soaked, but the Whirlpool jetboat is by far the best attraction at the Falls. Check for seasonal operations as it might be closed for the winter. As for hotels, stay at one of the brand name places near the Casino on the Canadian side, or at the Seneca Niagara on the American side . . . Enjoy!
  9. OK, Steely, I'll say it slower this time so you can comprehend (that means understand) this time . . . When HE WAS A CHILD, he was on welfare. How does he become a hypocrit if HIS PARENTS are on Welfare??
  10. Yeh, those all all incredibly relevant today . . .
  11. If you don't think that the MSM has a left-leaning bias, you're walking through life with your eyes closed. If the MSM had done HALF the vetting process on Obama that they did on Palin, he wouldn't have even gotten the party nod . . . Oh, and before you can say it, I know that Fox news leans right. I can admit it. Try saying the same for CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, the NY Times, the LA Times, WaPo, etc, etc, ad nauseum . . .
  12. when Plumber Joe was a child, he was on welfare This is somehow his fault? Children without parents go on welfare? That's new. Maybe we should be glad that his family is not on welfare for generations . . . I thought that's what welfare was for . . . a temporary crutch to get you from one period to another. How f*cking hypocritical of KOS to dis someone like this.
  13. The media thrashing began looong before any interviews with Charlie and Katie . . . She had to admit that her daughter was pregnant on the first weekend . . . Care to check the date on the US Weekly cover? But since you're apparently on the left . . . WTF, facts don't matter, just repeat the same things over and over again until they are regarded as truth . . .
  14. Alaska law doen't allow her to choose herself . . . No run off . . .the Governor chooses.
  15. Seriously?? Do you expect anyone to believe that's true? The media destroyed her from the word go . . .
  16. The list ends with Carter . . . Limp wristed foreign policy, hostages in Iraq, stag-flation, gas shortages, mortgages at 17% interest . . . GWB was a useless turd as president, but he didn't do nearly as bad a job as Carter. And I agree with the post about FDR . . . I know he's revered in Dem cirlces, but his lasting legacy will be the bankruptcy of this nation. He single-handedly tore up the constitution from its original intent to the bastardized version we live with today (with a little help from LBJ as well) . . .
  17. True and on the big INT he was wearing a Jets Lineman like a pearl necklace
  18. When you show us the MANY instances of Republicans being CONVICTED (not drug induced illusions of voter fraud) of voter fraud . . .
  19. The BIG problem is that this team is not going to challenge for a championship this year. AND it looks like they won't be challenging for one next year, nor the year after that, etc . . . It's very disheartening . . .
  20. Once again, both lines were over matched at the piont of attack . . . Our O-Line flat out sucks. I don't know if it's just missing Butler that much or what, but they look pathetic in run blocking. . . .
  21. I see a number of potential avatars . . . Great find
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