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Southern McButterpants.

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Everything posted by Southern McButterpants.

  1. I've always been partial to the furry bikini in 1,000,000 B.C. http://www.imdb.com/media/rm15276872/tt005876
  2. Cool vid. I actually know a woman who was on the plane. The Discovery Channel special from last week doens't give you the actal timeline like this, so you have an inflated sense of how long they were in the air, when in reality, it was a very short time. She went through facing her own mortality twice. Once when the plane went down and then when the plane was in the water, she didn't think she would make it out before it sank.
  3. Why even bother? the guy is a typical New England a$$hat who doesn't seem to recall that prior to Belichick's arrival, the Pat*s were the NFL's Hooterville with little or no accomplishments to speak of other than 2 SB appearances. And let's not forget the Red Sox . . . Prior to their two recent World Series Championships, they were the MLB version of Hooterville, second only to the Cubs in futility and impotence. Funny how Schilling is a hero for coming back from his injury, but TO was only in it for himself . . . How the hell does anyone's head in New England fit through a f'in door?
  4. I thought this was the new halftime show???
  5. WTF does her dating Leonado DiCaprio have to do with the story?? I mean, why mention it?
  6. Coulda been worse for the guy . . . he might not be able to distinguish between cheese and toast! oh, wait . . .
  7. First, I need to ask: Why??? Second, did you see the cholesterol on the label?? 3,500 Mg . . . Isn't that something like 10 days worth of the RDA?
  8. you stand on the threshold to the magical world of sensual delights that most men dare not dream of!
  9. Bingo! Can we move along from this? I'll be very disappointed if they select Maybin. He has Eric Flowers written all over him.
  10. Could be . . . and nice avatar
  11. There was a better one that was posted right after the bowl . . . I think it got lost in the crash . . . Same video, but the captions made it so that Belichick was Hitler. . . No matter, still funny stuff. Thanks for sharing!
  12. Glad to heat that it was minor and all is well. Good health going forward, Steely . . . (ya might wanna drop Ronald and Wendy from the rotation).
  13. I shave my head so an electric is out of the question . . . I've used norelcos and brauns in the past but have always gone back to a blade . . . I always wanted to try a wet/dry electric
  14. Wright's at the Arizona Biltmore on my honeymoon. Outstanding dinner, fabulous dessert, shared a bottle of Dom, had the wife for a second dessert later
  15. My personal favorite OHW is My Sharona - The Knack . . .
  16. I echo the congrats of the new job. . . nice to see some good news in that area. too bad you gotta get outta dodge. FWIW, i spent a few vacations in Pawley's Island . . .very nice place.
  17. It's always tough to lose a member of the family . . . We had a golden retriever mix back in the day who had arthritis and hip problems. We knew it was time when she could no longer squat to pee. She kept falling down and could not get back up. Her hips were so sensitive that she would snap at us when we would grab her near her back legs to help her get back up. She was 13 . . . Condolences in advance for your loss . . .
  18. I like the one with the bare midriff . . .
  19. I'd give more to see the annointed one's transcripts . . . In case you didn't notice, he didn't release his either . . . I would hardly compare Harvard Grad school to the University of Miami . . .
  20. Thirded . . . I like curvy blondes (although I have reservations about the blond part) . . .
  21. Yeah, they give out Harvard MBA's to idiots all the time . . .
  22. Greatest.Football.Video.Game.Ever. And you could make an argument for the Bengals being in the top 10. I remember ripping it up with their Rb . . .
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