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Southern McButterpants.

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Everything posted by Southern McButterpants.

  1. Chad Campbell had an awesome first round . . . Birdied the first five holes. Tiger had a nice round, but gave 2 away at 17 & 18 . . . BTW, have you checked out Masters.com ? Live streaming video, pop-up updates, picture in picture . . . How do they expect me to get any work done?
  2. Never heard of 'em (not my cup of tea) . . . Is that a chick fronting them?
  3. God, I can't wait for the draft to be over so we can stop these endless Peters for XYZ picks threads . . . Why do I continue to click on these?
  4. Maybin will either be the second coming of Jason Taylor or a bust. I just think there's too much risk for him . . .
  5. Take a day trip down to Charleston. It's maybe 2 hours tops depending where you're staying. Murrel's Inlet has lots of boat charters and jet ski rentals . . . Not sure what the weather will be like but there are at least 2 great water parks . . . Myrtle is awesome . . .enjoy!
  6. That's frickin' awesome . . . good find, Cat . . .
  7. Bad Pun Time!!!! What's the difference between a prestidigitator and a prostitute? A Prestidigitator has cunning stunts and feats.
  8. Hey, did you get that from Man Vs. Food? That was last week's show. Adam Richman is SICK! Not that he's svelte or anything, but how does he eat all that crap and still fit in the frame?
  9. Exactly . . when does the madness end. Just f'in pay him!
  10. Peronally, I think McLovin wil llikley be a better CB than Nate . . .but when do we stop this madness of releasing talented players and then using the draft to fill those holes. this is why we don't have any D- or O- line depth. Just sign him and you don't have to worry about LT for 5-6 years.
  11. Rus Brandon essentially saying that he's not going to pay Peters cuz he has 2 years left on his contract. We no longer have an O-Line. WTF is the difference between paying Peters and drafting a tackle in the 1st round and having to pony up $8 mil/year?
  12. I don't think I can lose this . . . looking at the rankings, no one has any one of the Final Four other than UNC winning. Thank you Villanova and Michigan State! Now, If I had only done this for money . . .
  13. How long 'til we have a posted named CarWashF'er . . .
  14. Yeah, I was gonna ask the same thing . . .WTF?
  15. Thanks T.O.! Instant relevance . . .
  16. Y'know, I kinda like it left the way it is. It looks like whoever is responsible for the updates just said, "Screw it." Much like I did after the San Fran game . . .
  17. Holy Crap! I'm in first place!!??!?!??!?!?!?!?!?! Although, I did pick the Cleveland State upset, so there's something . . . now if Marquette goes on the run I have predicted, the glory will be mine!!!!!!!!
  18. Consider the positions: Moss >> Evans Welker = Owens Galloway < Reed Aiken/Lewis < Parrish/Johnson Looks dead even to me, until you figure in the X factors: Brady >>>>>>>>>>>> Edwards Pats coaching staff >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bills Coaching Staff.
  19. Douglas-David has filed court papers saying she has more than $53,800 in weekly expenses, including maintaining a Park Avenue apartment and three residences in Sweden. Also among her weekly expenses: $700 for limousine service, $4,500 for clothes, $1,000 for hair and skin treatments, $1,500 for restaurants and entertainment, and $8,000 for travel. If she continued to spend at that rate, Douglas-David would burn through $43 million, not including interest, in less than 16 years. I feel so bad for her . . . OTOH - I don't think my entire clothing wardrobe is worth $4500 . . .
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