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Southern McButterpants.

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Everything posted by Southern McButterpants.

  1. Funny how "zealots" only exist on the right.
  2. I still find it hard to believe that some people think like this . . .
  3. Can I hear an AMEN from the choir
  4. Why is everyone listing Maybin as a keeper? Too small, too weak, too slow, too bad . . .
  5. Why the hell does anyone care about what she thinks, does, what ever? She said she didn't believe Gay Marriage should be allowed. I don't think that means she has to be a nun. . . .
  6. Yellow Lab named Riley. She's the smartest dog I've ever had and catches anything thrown within 5 feet of her . . .
  7. Didn't the Bishop promise/theaten that he had posted his last message over a year ago. When are you gonna make good on that?
  8. I don't want him. You take him!
  9. This video has been removed by the user . . . .
  10. You mean Chris Polian. Brian Polian is the Special Teams Coach at Notre Dame.
  11. Very Cool. Nice find . . . . Thanks!
  12. I keep one under my matress. What??
  13. Hey, this thread is a bout Rush being a racist, not about mainstream liberal satire being misogynistic (that means hating women, Dellapelle john) . . .
  14. I think Drew has that certain nuttiness/crazy that I like in certain women . . . For one night, I think it would be more fun to be with Drew than Kate . . .
  15. I'm so sick of hearing that Ngata is awesome and Whitner sux. If Ngata was on this team with the same coaching that McCargo has received over the past 4 years and Whitner were on the Ravens (being the second coming of Ed Reed), y'all would be screaming about the opposite. This team lacks in fundamentals in all phases of the game. that boils down to coaching. It's not Whitner's fault that he's not better. He tries to be a team leader and has the right attitude, but he's not coached well enough, nor is he placed in a competent scheme where he can use his physical skills to be a dominant player. Give it up on Ngata already . . .
  16. We need a football "guy" to run the organization. He can then bring in his own coach. The razor thin depth of this current team speaks volumes about the need to have a knowledgeable person in chgarge of the entire operation . . . Too bad Ralph got burned by Donohoe . . . Maybe then he wouldnb't be shy about bringing in a Holmgren, Shanahan or Gruden . . .
  17. There's College program with the Fighting Squirrels . . . . Bradford Not sure where it is . . . I only know cuz my nephew has a hat . . .
  18. Tough choice between: and my vote getter: The Bubble Boy
  19. I said before the draft that Maybin had BUST written all over him. He's Eric Flowers redux . . .
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