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Southern McButterpants.

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Everything posted by Southern McButterpants.

  1. And here I though High School was over . . .
  2. " . . . the most infuriating little !@#$ ever to walk God's green earth."
  3. Pearl Jam comes to mind. Immensely popular, but do their own thing . . . the fact that they make a lot of coin doing it is just gravy . . .
  4. The key is her saying, "Why don't you get a job. . . . "
  5. It's funny, but I was thinking the same thing while watching the game. Remember how ticked off he was in the post-game presser? What a clueless asshat DJ was . . .
  6. Hmmm . . . I wonder what that's like??
  7. It's on my wish list. Glad to hear that it was good . . .
  8. I'd rather stick forks in my eyes and become a fan of competitive Ping-Pong . . .
  9. Good point. TO looks like he's having fun in the snow today . . .
  10. SCHADENFREUDE . . . .
  11. So does \GoBillsinDallas/
  12. I had a chance to sit in the Jim Kelly Club for the Miami game (and it was fantastic). Halfway through the first quarter I ran out for beer and peanuts. There was a guy at the end of the tunnel, just inside the door on all fours barfing his brains out. I'm not sure raising the ticket prices will do much to prevent this kinda crap . . .
  13. Ditto . . . I have far too many peeves abpout driving to list. Driving is sooooo fricken' easy . . . why the hell are there so many incompetent boobs on the road?? My latest peeve, and those of you still in WNY should be able to attest to this, is: at least 50% of drivers are driving 5-15 mph UNDER the speed limit. Sorry, I have a type A, East Coast mentality. If you can't even go the posted speed limit, GET OFF THE ROAD!!!
  14. Paul Collins' Beat - The Beat/The Kids are The Same Linky Thingy First two albums on a single CD. The fist is a bit more "punky;" the second a bit more "poppy." One of my all time favorites . . .
  15. My heart bleeds for the "victim" of this heinous crime . . .
  16. It was a worthwhile read just to re-discover the Ilovebacon site . . I had forgotten all about that.
  17. I went with YF as well. I like Blazing Saddles, but I find the ending to be stupid . . . Whereas the "Puttin' on the Ritz" scene is spectacular comedy . . .
  18. Easy, cuz it was too cold and crappy to golf in September and October . . .
  19. It's these types of serious intellectual discussions of topical interest that keep me coming back to this board
  20. Thank God it's radio and not TV! BTW, nice handle . . . I love that song.
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