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Southern McButterpants.

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Everything posted by Southern McButterpants.

  1. I really liked Caravan . . . Kicks major you know . . . I've only listened to BU2B once, so I'll reserve comment.
  2. Spot on . . . Every office has attractive women who dress well, smell nice, wear heels, show cleavage, yada, yada, yada . . .
  3. There used to be a local band called "Chunkpipe." Legend has it that the band got the name from a guy who: - would get wasted on vodka 'til he was sick - vomit into a flower pot outside of his window - smoke the dried chunks of vomit when he didn't have money for weed or liqour. - using, of course, the "Chunkpipe" This seems pretty mild in comparison.
  4. Wow! A rainbow farting unicorn right off the bat! Congratulations as small as possible . . .
  5. True dat! "Rediculous" isn't a typo and neither are "your" and "you're" errors. Don't even get me started on "there," "their," and "they're." If you got through 8th grade, there's no excuse for 'em . . . my $.02
  6. Brown goes to the Practice Squad. . . Problem solved . . .
  7. My next door neighbor is usually crackin his first by 10:30 AM on weekends. Not sure what he does during the week, but he's on his 4th or 5th job in the last 3 years, so it's prolly not pretty . . .
  8. Awesome . . .this will be 15 yr old's 2nd Rush show. I managed to get 6th row for the Syracuse show . . .
  9. Where's the whipped cream?
  10. Man, they really showed what they're made of when they got u-turned . . .
  11. Just made my day!! If they're gonna play Moving Pictures in it's entirety, that must mean playing the Camera Eye!!!! OK, enthusiasm tempered. No Buffalo date . . . WTF?
  12. How can anyone from Buffalo root against Coach K on Dyngus Day?
  13. Used to . . . quit in '94, but still smoke a cigar on Saturday nights if it's nice out.
  14. I've used Dime a lot in the past, but nothing within the last year or so . . . Sorry
  15. +1 . . . You might have a pH or Alkalinity imbalance and no amount of chlorine will clear the water. On the other hand, if everything check out OK, you can use a clarifier or Flok. Sometimes that cloudiness is dead algae thats too fine to be filtered out by the sand in the filter. Flok and clarifier help it to coagulate. I've always been partial to Flok. everything sinks to the bottom of the pool, vacuum to waste, done!
  16. Buddy is not the arogant ass that Donohoe was. . . He won't make the same mistake.
  17. Ding, ding, ding .. . winner, winner, chicken dinner. Those powers not specifically designated to the Federal government are relegated to the individual states. It's right there in the Constitution, hence the argument against constitutionality.
  18. Wow . . .you've obviously never seen Keith Olbermann nor Rachel Maddow nor any other misogynistic, hate-spewing left wing journalist residing on PMSNBC
  19. After watching Skin-e-max, I've learned that all hot women cannot take a bath or shower without pleasuring themselves.
  20. Know what I hate? Going to the ATM Machine and having to use my PIN Number.
  21. Woo hoo . . time to defend the crown!
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