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Southern McButterpants.

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Everything posted by Southern McButterpants.

  1. Yes, I look back with fear and loathing at a 14,000 point Dow and under 5% unemployment and STILL the media crowed about how bad things were . . .
  2. Buy every MLB Baseball team and make them wear dresses. Rename myself Crusty Mc$hiiteballs and donate new buildings to every ivy league university with the stipulation that they must name the buildings after me . . . Props to Louis CK
  3. And if he gets his way, he will destroy the NFL as we know it.
  4. Seriously? Really? Do you even think about some of the things you write here, Molson?
  5. Keith Moon . . . and a +1 to Freddie Mercury.
  6. A recess appointee???? Wasn't that an impeachable offense a few years back?
  7. One of the big problems that the left had with W was that he wouldn't change course in the face of criticism. It's called conviction, integrity, belief, etc. Bam is showing that he is, truly, an empty suit.
  8. You know how your mom always said to wait a half-an-hour after eating before swimming? I went to Sleepy Hollow campground with a friend and his family when I was 15. I remember the day cuz it was the day WZIR came on the air and played "Psycho Chicken" all day. They had a great lunchtime cookout and we ate like kings. Immediately afterwards my friend, his brother and I ran into the lake there and decided to swim out to the diving platform which was maybe 100 yards out. Half-way there i cramped up, bad. My entire midsection exploded in pain and I curled up like a ball. I flailed my arms around a little, but my friend and his brother were well past me, and all of the swimmers on the beach were well behind me. I was literally going down for the third time when my arm hit on a rope with floaters on it running out to the diving platform. Thanking God the whole time, I started to pull myself in towards the beach. The genius lifeguard begins to yell to me to, "get off the rope!" through a bullhorn. He wanted to yell at me when I got to the beach but I kinda told him off when I got back on land.
  9. Today's list would be . . . 1) Rush - Counterparts 2) Paul Collins' Beat - The Kids are the Same 3) Gin Blossoms - New Miserable Experience 4) The Who - Quadrophenia (technically it's on 2 discs, but some peeps have picked 80 disc collections, so ) 5) Cheap Trick - In Color
  10. Amen . . . and remember to fly your flag . . . and if you don't have one; shame on you.
  11. 9.25 pounds of baby back ribs, baked beans, fresh slaw . . . Score.
  12. Love the taste of Tbasco . . I use it on a lot of things . . . My latest favorites are: Dave's insanity sauce. Great flavor, lots of heat. Blair's Jersey Death Sauce. Insanely hot, nice flavor. Really kicks things up bit . . . Don't Like: 357 Magnum - Insane heat, but the flavor is overpowering (and bad too). I like the heat, but I can't stand the flavor. I have a bottle of Da Bomb that I recevied as a gift, but haven't opened it yet. Looks like I'll have to break that out based on a few recommendations in this thread.
  13. Definitely drain pipe . . .
  14. I'm not a plumber, but I play one on TV . . . I have a flexible connector for my garbage disposal, so I know they exist. Mine is about a foot long and allows the height difference between the drain and the GD to be about 2 inches . . . Been a while since I installed it, but I think I found it at Home Depot . . . maybe VALU.
  15. I droppped 60 pounds, shaved my head and grew a goatee . . .
  16. Queue pBills in 3 . . .2 . . . 1 . . .
  17. Gin Blossoms - New Miserable Experience I bought it because my wife commented that she liked "Hey Jealousy." I bought it, listened to it once and then it gathered dust for a while. I picked it up one day and gave it a listen. I thought, "not bad," and it became part of the regular rotation . . . Flash forward 10 years or so (i know it came out in '93 or so, but I did say it gathered dust for a while), and I find the recording indispensible. It is, quite possibly, my favorite CD of all time. It's a shame too because: a) nothing they've done since comes even close to duplicating that effort and b) Doug Hopkins' suicide shortly after the release of the CD . . . He was, obviously, the genius behind the catchy hooks and alcohol/drug abuse driven lyrical content. Definitely a tortured genius . . . Great CD.
  18. Faves: Carrots (eat 'em every day), Cauliflower, broccoli, radishes! Not so much: Asparagus. Not much else. I love raw veggies . . .
  19. Love: Nectarines, Watermelon, bananas, pink grapefruit Hate: Apricots, plums, golden delicious apples
  20. Been there. Done that. The watermelon soda from China was my favorite . . . Although I thought the first name, Ice Station Zero, was way cooler (no pun intended) . . .
  21. Def Leppard Wasted Rush - Collective Soul - Any one of these in the home stretch of a run really gives me a good push . . .
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