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Southern McButterpants.

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Everything posted by Southern McButterpants.

  1. I saw that yesterday. I coulnd't even watch the video, much less attempt the climb.
  2. She played linebacker in the CSRA (Carnegie-Scranton Rec Assoc) League for a few years. She's actually quite good. Good for her . . .
  3. Wow! You can't make up stuff like that . . .
  4. I agree with you on the Kinks. Sleepwalker through State of Confusion are some of the best power pop albums ever released . . . the Velevet Underground as UNDER-RATED???? One fairly decent album out of 4 and they're in the RNR HOF? Sorry, not under-rated at all. In fact, they are the poster boys for this thread . . .incredibly, undoubtedly, significantly, incredibly OVERRATED.
  5. I was there too and I was under the balcony. That thing had to be moving 18 inches up and down. I really thought it was gonna come down on us.
  6. I can believe this. I've traveled a lot for work, and some places with bad reputations (Boston, Philly, DC) regarding driving actually aren't so bad. WNY is loaded with people who absolutely have no f'in clue how to drive.
  7. +1 And add in Coldplay. Not really sure what all the fuss is about.
  8. The teacher had to warn an 18 year old about the dangers of playing with electrical cords??
  9. I stopped reading once I saw, "What the Dolphins do Well: Everything" Really? REALLY? EVERYTHING? Including Quarterbacking and Defensive Back play which were kinda pitiful last year? Everything? Really? F'in Phins Ball-washers under every g'dammm rock. . .
  10. Loved Beyond the Lighted Stage. Looking forward to getting the DVD with all the bonus stuff . . . Also looking forward to next Thursday's show in Syracuse. 6th Row! (Just don't rain on me) . . .
  11. I thought he was smoking a carrot . . .
  12. If I don't leave here before retirement (20 years off) . . I'm planning to move to the Greenville - Spartanburg area of South Carolina . . . Was there once for work. Wonderful scenery, great climate, not too crowded, close enough to Charlotte for all the big city conveniences . . .
  13. What sarcasm? That's all the National publications, pundits and websites say every year. Even the year they went 1-15 John Clayton picked them to go to the Super Bowl . . .
  14. All the more reason to think he's the odd man out in the QB rotation . . .
  15. Infidel dogs don't know it's not bacon.
  16. Anyone recall Saturn Visniak on Rieman Street in Sloan?
  17. When did anyone here claim that Hardy, Maybin or Whitner were the REAL DEAL and would be pro-bowl caliber players? I, personally, was excited to see McLovin drafted (you can't coach speed). My personal jury is still out on Lynch - fine player, d'bag off the field . . .
  18. I just had my first Nica Libre '90 this past weekend. Very impressed . . .
  19. There should be a choice for "I don't give a rat's a$$ about baseball."
  20. Man, that is a huge contract. I can't believe that it has taken this long for the NFL to even start thinking about a rookie salary cap . . .
  21. These planets are not "millions" of light years away. The entine galaxy is "only" 100,000 light years across. Many of these are within one to two hundred light years away. Not that these distances are conducive to a two-way conversation, but maybe we can pick up their TV and/or radio signals . . .
  22. The Browns and Chiefs are both "better" than the Bills cuz they hired Holmgren and Pioli respectively. They went out and got big names. That must mean that the teams are suddenly more talented and experienced, right? Sarcasm font off . . . I'm not pointing fingers, and I don't want to be "that" guy but why do y'all torture yourselves reading these? Any power ranking that starts with the Jests as #1 was written by a crack-addled mind at best. Fuggedaboudit . . . We know this is a rebuilding year. If Dick Jauron, the Pill and an interim HC could pull 6 wins out of this team last year, I see no reason to believe that competent coaching and conditioning shouldn't be able to do at least the same this year.
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