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Southern McButterpants.

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Everything posted by Southern McButterpants.

  1. I admit it. I have been following this with rapt attention. This guy is such a narcissistic meglo-maniac; it's actually fun watching him go down in flames. I suspect that he fired each of his previsous attorneys because each one told him to plead down. Schwartz probably told him the same thing, but the judge wouldn't let Hassan fire him. I think the only question is whether it takes longer to read the jury their instructions than it does for the verdict to come back. Your thoughts?
  2. Gross, but funny . . . "Ugh . . .and it was hairy!"
  3. Wow! Beli-cheat is a d'bag? What's next? Water is wet? Alaska is cold?
  4. She's still 4 years younger than me, so yes . . I'd hit that. With relish
  5. Why do I continue to torture myself by reading threads with this topic. We all know the definition of insanity right? Doing the same thing in the same way expecting a different outcome? What's the point of this? Oh, OK, I FINALLY get it . . . Our drafting has sucked for 10 years. Thanks for clue-ing us in. And BTW, isn't it Haloti Ngata? Not Hilito Ngati, or Hiroshima Notme, or Hippy Nofee, or Happy Noshow. Wait is n't that who drafted instead of Ngata? Happy Noshow?
  6. Fresh (and by fresh I mean just made) Guacamole with tortilla chips.
  7. Does anyone not think that this was the "real" NFC Championship Game?
  8. I'm sort of rooting for the Pat*s (ugh, I just threw up in my mouth a little . . . ) mainly because I think a Pat*s - Steelers or Pat*s - Ravens matchup next week would be must-see TV . . .
  9. The article stated that he was the 12th highest paid receiver in the league; not the 12th highest paid player . . .
  10. I love the Burbs. Rick Ducomon (sp?) is a riot, as is Corey Feldman . . .
  11. I know!!?? WTF??? Turn in your man card, Mr. janitor.
  12. I have PAC's . . .Same thing, but the Atrial valve contracts early. Take Beta blockers as well and avoid caffeine . . . Related to the topic, i was having dizzy spells a few years back. I went for the full set of tests, including the Stress test. As I recall, it wasn't too bad . . . That said, i can't image doing that after a mild heart attack or being a heavy smoker . . . I also had the Tilt Table Stress test. They gave me adrenaline to take my heart rate up to 140 beats per minute, strapped me to a table and put it in various positions. I didn't pass out (which I guess is the point of the test), but it certainly was one of the more unpleasant experiences of my life.
  13. I know that the popular opinion is to dump both of them, but this team cannot improve if they continue to make holes that they have to fill via the draft or FA. Witness Antoine Williams, Pat Williams, London Fletcher, Jason Peters, ad nauseum. At some point you have to keep your average players and put better players around them. Whitner is not an All-Pro, but is still useful. Poz is useless in coverage, but is good in run defense . . . If you want to turn around the franchise and actually win more than 4-6-7 games, you have to keep some talent and raise the overall talent level on the field.
  14. I know. It's re-diculous! That said, Whitner does not have the numbers to be paid like a top 5 safety. Kudos to the FO for offering him fair market value. My God, the board would melt if they over-paid Donte . . .
  15. Good lord, I am so sick of losing this badly, at home, to this group of d'bags . . . Had a chance to go to the game and I'm REEEEAAAAALLLYYY glad I didn't. So glad that Whitner and Poz showed up today.
  16. Way to go Russ. We should all run out to Russel's Steaks & Chops and eat like starving horses.
  17. Did you also see the comment about Freddy J. torturing the Bills as a member of the Pat*s someday? Didn't we just lock up Fred for 4 years, and isn't he 29? I hate asshat comments like that . . .
  18. Definitely wierd. I'm not a foot guy . . .
  19. Instead of the traditional post game handshake, Belichick gave Chan the high hard one up the ying yang, while yelling "you're my bi-otch now!" Don't you remember that??
  20. +1,000,000 Why would you not be there with one of your best friends at the end? Don't let him/her be alone confused and afraid in the last few moments. Hard on you I agree, but it's not really about you at that time. . .
  21. Then they'd be bitchin' about Whitner making the tackles 10 yards downfield . . .
  22. I fully agree. He was terrible. Aside from the fact that he cannot pronounce the team name (Bee-ows) . . . Did anyone else hear him giggling with glee when Palamaulu (sp?) intercepted that goal line pass with 2+ minutes to go?
  23. Saw that on Drudge earlier. Very sad.
  24. I was tempted to watch PMSNBC last night so I could watch the whiny-girl show, but I didn't want to give them the ratings uptick . . . Seriously.
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