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Southern McButterpants.

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Everything posted by Southern McButterpants.

  1. I've been a pretty vocal critic of GR and some of their on air talent. That said, I will admit that they did a great job covering this story. Kudos to the entire crew. I was riveted to my radio.
  2. Couldn't recall which football player Monica is married to . . . so I looked at her bio. She's only 41. My God, I thought she was a good looking 51!!!
  3. Off topic for certain, but oh what I wouldn't do with Andrea Tantaros . . .
  4. That was quite possibly the dumbest move ever shown on television. Like Talley said, you don't give it up for free . . . Wow! I was originally rooting for the men, but now I think I'd rather have the eye candy win . . .
  5. Yeah, I gotta agree . . . This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. It all began with Stephanopolous at the debate when he asked Romney about contraception. The Dems have NOTHING to talk about other than getting Bin Laden, so they come up with this BS contraception issue. I guess they're counting on getting 99% of all women to vote for Bam . . . . Republicans need to avoid this like poison and keep talking about jobs, the econimy, taxes, debt and gas prices. It's about the economy, stupid! I realize the MSM won't allow this, but don't get sucked into it.
  6. Matt, even with his JD and the other younger, buff guys in his alliance, missed one simple fact. 4<5. Glad he's gone. I don't think his absence will hurt the guys in challenges . . .
  7. It's a no-win situation. We've interviewed him and 50% of the posts are why are we wasting our time. If it came out that we cancelled the interview, 50% of the posts would be how we've given up; Ralph is cheap, etc . . . Keep your options open. You never know when something lands in your lap.
  8. Speaking as a 47 yr old . . . Hell to the Yes. (Wish my wife looked like that!)
  9. Awesome. I have an old one that "died" a while ago and it qualifies. Hooray for me!
  10. I knew there was a reason I troll this board. I'm practicing safe nuts.
  11. Wow is right. Kudos to her.
  12. Don't you ijits no anyting. Only Kennedy's and Soros-es-es and Hollywood types are allowed to be rich . . .
  13. Wow, and I thought the "I'm cooler than you because of the music i listen to" attitude ended when you graduate from high school . . . Apparently not. Music, as with all art is inherently subjective. I like what I like and vice-versa, despite what YOU think I should feel is great.
  14. I would have been drafted (177), but like others here, would have joined the Navy first.
  15. Dr. Will and his partner in crime, Mike Boogie, were even better in the All-Star Season. IIRC, it's season 7 . . .
  16. 2 Quick Thoughts: - Is anyone else just completely sick and tired of Ozzie and his "this is perfect" for me, gi-normous ego. Go away, and stay away . . . - Why the heck isn't anyone stepping up with the idea of voting off Coach? Did they not see Boston Rob win last year? Idiots . . .
  17. One of my faves from the past decade . . . Hatten ar Din
  18. Did anyone go to see the premiere at movie theatrres this past Thursday? Iwas sitting on the tarmac in Philly Or this one. Not bad for 3 guys in their mid to late 50's . . .
  19. Anything by Rod Stewart belongs on the ash heap of music history. :sick: :sick: :sick:
  20. Maybe it's just me, but I really don't get the Suzy Kolber love-fest . . . She's cute, but light-years from being the hottest woman on TV . . .
  21. Smuttynose and Harpoon . . . Yum.
  22. Even better . . . the Dol-fags have a 95% chance of missing the Playoffs . . . Bwa-ha-ha-ha
  23. The Bills won today cuz I had my best single sales day ever at my Bills Store Stand (just inside Gate 1) . . . Today was Jersey day . . . Thanks to any 2BDers that stopped by . . . Good Karma all around!
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