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Southern McButterpants.

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Everything posted by Southern McButterpants.

  1. Your political argument sucks. Bam "bailed" bailed out GM n Chrysler so that the UAW would end up holding the golden purse strings at the expense of the shareholders (the 1%?). Romney wanted them to go BK so that they would be relieved of their pension burden, and their debt. Your hero just did it in a bass awkward manner that allowed the union to walk away with millions, maybe billions of tax dollars and a stake in the company. Obama didn't save the auto industry, he saved the UAW.
  2. This forum is an indictment of the American education system and the teaching of economics (or lack thereof); along with the constant drumbeat of liberal propaganda by overwhelmingly left-leaning instructors. Oh no! This money is in the hands of the "Job Creators" and if any of it goes to the governments that actually printed and issued the money in the first place it wouldn't be creating jobs....in the off shore accounts areas I don't even know what that is supposed to mean . . .
  3. It's like listening to a radio talk show, or HBO's Newsroom... Anytime someone professes to be a Republic, my scepto-meter goes on alert. You "were" a young republican, but now that a epublican governor is dismantling the last 60-100 years of liberal, pro-union, pro-big government policies, he's lying. OK . . . . And were you in a coma while growing up in WNY? How does anyone think Buffalo and WNY were bastions of fiscal conservatism and small government? :blink:
  4. He's a republican, therefore he is evil incarnate. Thus sayeth the MSM.
  5. Do you live in this country? Do you have a job? In order to have a VALID job in the US, you need to provide a SSN and govt issued ID within 72 hours of accepting a position or the employer must separate. This is an invalid argument. Anyone who already has a job already has sufficient ID to vote. I call bullcrap.
  6. I may be late to the party, but since YOU insist that MILLIONS of people will be disenfranchised as a result of voter ID, please provide ANY proof that these people do not currently have any form of government issued ID. How do these poor people get healthcare? Buy beer? Get any form of government assistance? Your arguments are asinine. I am truly dumbfounded that people think this way, and are prepared to defend a position such as this over and over and over.
  7. I'm astounded that BHO continues to run slightly ahead of Romney or neck & neck in most polling. I have to assume that the 20% or so of actual swing voters just aren't paying attention yet. Of course, most of them are likely watching the Today show in the AM, and then getting a rundown of events from Jake Tapper in the evening, and then watching Letterman . . . so they're inclined to believe that everything is wonderful, Bam is doing a heckuva job, and that bastard Romney is an evil rich guy.
  8. A very well written and very informative article . . .thanks for sharing!
  9. He won't get it. It's all smoke and mirrors. All you need to see is the line that states that extended unemployment and other pay-outs are considered tax cuts . . . Where the f*k do the a$$hats at WaPo think that the money for these payouts comes from? The Washington Post, unabashedly shilling for Democrats sine 1973 . . .
  10. A Local Version And no . . .
  11. oh, I know . . . trust me, I know. I thought it was a perfect little homage. Nice to see that they've done it again.
  12. On the R30 tour,they began their second set at 9:12 pm .... I havent seen that type of precision on later tours.
  13. +1 . . . They do look a little weird.
  14. One post mentioned how the Giants D-Line can play without getting exposed on run plays. When the Pat*s beat us (or anyone for that matter) because of their run game, I'll worry.
  15. I generally try to avoid posting in PPP as I have no taste for the "game." (although I troll here frequently) That said, anyone who cannot recognize this as a primo example of the MSM (Big 3 Networks, NY Times, LA Times, WAPO, CNN, PMSNBC) being so in the bag for ANY Democrat and so vehemently opposed to even the most moderate of GOP candidates, then that person is simply living a lie.
  16. What's the point of breeding peppers without heat? Don't use the seeds nor the ribs . . .
  17. Where do you live? North Korea? I have friends who are cops and teachers and a few of them have moved around in order to obtain promotions, etc.
  18. So far The Anarchist stands out for me...
  19. Ah, we're arguing semantics now. Court is now in session . . .
  20. Gee I'm glad she didn't land in your yard. You'd be out there yelling at her to get off your lawn . . . I'm also certain that you never felt invincible and did wreckless things when you were 18. You've convinced me. Because she crossed the street 3 carlengths in front of another driver, the whole damn thing is her fault. NOT the fault of the 50 something respected member of the community, who is supposed to act like an ADULT, not put pedestrians, cyclists and boarders at risk by driving drunk, texting while driving, and then FLEEING THE ***KING SCENE. Yup, must be her fault. Damn kids . . . But you keep defending the indefensible and put some of the blame on the girl. It speaks well of you . . . it really does . . .
  21. Sorry, you can't blame the girl. Irrespective of her being a cutter, what her Facebook page said, etc. The guy was driving drunk, hit her and killed her. Case closed. If you look at the pic of the damaged car, he hit her with his right headlight. The only way you don't see her is if you're not looking. For crissake, the impact took off the passenger side mirror. The problem was that the jury did get hung up on the minutia that the defense presented. That's what high paid lawyers do: they confuse and obfuscate. In listening to the jury member's justifications for their "head up their collective a$$" verdict, they seemed to be unclear as to their responsibility. Beyond a reasonable doubt does not mean beyond ALL doubt. I'm a recreational jogger, and I run on some major and secondary roads in Hamburg. On occasion, I cross the white line into the road to avoid crap on the side of the road (potholes, junk, vegetation, etc.). That does not mean that a driver that comes along and plows into me, causing my body to fly over 50 yards away, is not criminally negligent (especially if he/she is drunk) because I was " in the road.".
  22. When the wife/significant other gives you "that" look. When the dog drops a tennis ball in your lap. And although I don't play golf any more, I agree about the 4 iron.
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