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Southern McButterpants.

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Everything posted by Southern McButterpants.

  1. Not sure if he's lost the team, but he's loosing me. I just can't bear the thought of a sub-500 season and another regime change.
  2. Great . . Just in time for every single call to go the Pat*s way on Sunday . . .
  3. This: One can understand why they might do this, given the fiasco in Libya. The men who organized this attack knew the ambassador would be at the consulate in Benghazi rather than at the embassy in Tripoli. How did that happen? They knew when he had been moved from the consulate to a “safe house,” and switched their attentions accordingly. How did that happen? The United States government lost track of its ambassador for ten hours. How did that happen?
  4. Is there a more dangerous player in space in the league? If there is, CJ is at least in the conversation.
  5. Brian Regan John Pinette Jake Johannsen Regan and Pinette are funny and clean. As for Johannsen, I just like his style and delivery.
  6. I was there! Still have the ticket stub.
  7. Bill returns to work after attending the BUffalo National Wing Festival.
  8. My holiday weekend is ruined. Another Whitner<Ngata post. Give it a f'in rest.
  9. MDP is a true liberal democrat. Do NOTHING to solve a problem; throw money at the aftermath in the hope that it does some good. Vilify as heartless/brainless/racist anyone who disagrees. Did I miss anything?
  10. PC run amuck. Hopefully all of this over reach by the government ends in January. Utterly ridiculous.
  11. And how pray tell are they to do that when all of the "flagship" MSM outlets such as the Big 3 Networks, WaPo, NYT, etc. are all in the bag for the "fact-check?" I'd say the new media is carrying the day for the GOP. Even Media Matters had a luke-warm assessment of the "fact-check" argument . . .
  12. I refuse to buy into this. I recall lib-tards spouting the same crap in '08 stating that GWB wouldn't peacefully give up power. My tinfoil hat isn't big enough for this . . .
  13. At least he wasn't ... Ahem.... Making love to it.
  14. Question authority at all times. The George Carlin school . . . Not saying you're wrong, just sayin' the cop should not have been fired.
  15. How odd that they posted a pic of the other woman's butt to go with the story.
  16. But with a Buffito?? Here's to 2 Super Mighty's, Xtra Hot, with jalapeños. Who eats a chicken wing burrito?
  17. Add to that the fact that the debates will be hosted by big names from the mainstream media and ALL of the questions and talking points will come from the left. - Mr. Romney, why do you want to take healthcare away from poor people? - Mr. Romney, why don't you feel that gay people should be able to marry? - Mr. Romney, can't you see that your opponent is AWESOME? Blah, blah, blah . . .
  18. I continue to be astonished that Robert Shrum can breathe with his head that far up his a$$. He has no objectivitiy whatsoever. Fail.
  19. :lol: :lol: I do miss dib's avatars . . .
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