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Southern McButterpants.

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Everything posted by Southern McButterpants.

  1. Lotsa cottage cheese in them legs . . .
  2. Typical Fox news. These numbers are BS. What is the sampling size? Are they factoring in Brady's entire career or just a few games where he didn't get hit? Brady would be at the top of this list if it weren't based on Fox's selective mathematics. Gee, think he drinks the MSM kook-aid much?
  3. I hate to say it, but it's time to blow it up again. clean house, lose out, get a better draft slot. Call me when you have your act together.
  4. Sexual battery?? Don't they sell those at adam&eve.com?
  5. The preview for next week looked like he realized that a bit too late.
  6. Too true . . .and with a Dow over 14,000. I can clearly remember Brian Williams telling me that the sky was falling every. damn. day.
  7. C'mon girls. It's SHOWTIME!
  8. Her eyes look weird . . . Not saying no. . .just . . . crooked, or something.
  9. Very high on the bucket list. Thanks for sharing.
  10. Have fun! The Ralph is a great place to see a game. Go to Duff's or the Big Tree the night before. As for parking, you can't go wrong with Hammer's lot on Abbott. He's a regular poster here and you'll find quite a few TBDers there.
  11. A couple of butter-faces in there. And I'm not sure about the German speed-skater. She's quite attractive, but also looks like she could kick my a$$ all over the house. Not into the whole 50 Shades thing, particularly on the receiving end.
  12. I know it doesn' t help, but I am truly sorry for your loss.
  13. If I recall correctly, she was quite rack-a-rrific in her day. Not Tootie or anything, but far from a wash-board . . .
  14. Clearly, she does not know 16 year old boys very well.
  15. Wow . . .Refs just making crap up now . . . Buddy should send this game tape into the league . . . unreal
  16. Wow. . . how was that ball catch-able? I really get tired of watching each and every break go the Pat*s way game in, game out. . . . Nauseating..
  17. McCready must have money on the Pat*s today. i expect bad referee-ing vs NE, but this is re-diculous
  18. Yeah, there are NO liberals in the media. Tool . . . The GOP lost simply because of 2 things: 1) They didn't think O had the ground game this time around. They thought it would be R +3 to R+6 and it was still D+7 like '08. 2) The GOP has no appeal to Hispanic voters Say whatever you want about Obama's victory, but he DID NOT play his campaign to hispanics. He played to women and to have-not's. Lastly, if you think that the current administration, with it's green, pro-big government, regulation happy agenda isn't extremely left, you're delusional. It is not centrist. Clinton was Centrist . . . i.e., the era of big government is over. Bam wants the government to grow and grow and grow . . .
  19. "On to his plan going forward: - Focusing again on education. He is proposing recruiting 100,000 new teachers for math and science. And a renewed focus of training workers at community colleges. Education is the most important aspect to the future direction of the coutnry. The age of low-skilled, high paying jobs is over." Our education system is broken at best, and a money pit anachronism at worst. Romney's plan puts power into the hands of the consumer (i.e., parents) by allowing parents access to the dollars used for their childer's education, and allow parents to CHOOSE where to have their children schooled. It's called capitalism. Those schools that put out a good product (educated students) will thrive. Schools that underperform will be forced to adapt or close . . . Competition is good for the consumer. Obama's plan is a) classic democrat - throw money at a problem with little rhyme or reason; and b) designed to get more money into the hands of democrat friendly union voters. How about real education reform rather than platitudes about hiring more teachers.
  20. You stand on the threshold to the magical world of sensual delights that most men dare not dream of!
  21. Ironic that I can't see the font on the page, and it seems to be written (or edited) by a seventh-grader. Not sure if you meant it's tough to read because of the content, the page layout, or the style. It's hard to read in all 3 aspects . . .
  22. I voted never because they will only be better when they get a new owner. That new owner will move them away from WNY and change the name of the team to re-boot the franchise. It may happen in my lifetime, but it won't be here in Buffalo. :-(
  23. 40,000+ New Unemployed last month Welfare recipients up 32% 23,000,000 Unemployed and under employed. But, but, but . . . . GAFFE!!!!! Paul Ryan doesn't know who the QB of the Browns is . . . To tell you the God's honest truth, i am thrilled that I guy I want to help guide the economy for the next 4 years has his eyes ON THE FRICKEN BALL, rather than watching football.
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