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Southern McButterpants.

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Everything posted by Southern McButterpants.

  1. Sonofab_____ I was going to say topless waitresses.
  2. Why? Does Marrone like progressive rock rather than punk?
  3. No more for me, thanks . . . I'm driving.
  4. I like Starbucks. I find as I get older, I' m enjoying bitter as a flavor more and more . darker roasts of coffee, hoppy beers, dark chocolate, etc. I don't really care for Timmy Ho' s as it' s not (surprise, surprise) strong enough for my taste. I will say that Horton' s coffee packs quite the caffeine punch though. in warmer months you' 'll find me with an iced dark roast from Dunkin Donuts. harder to find in WNY, but beats any iced coffee at Horton's or Starbucks.
  5. Steely Dan?
  6. Did you know that friendly kids, statistically, have more friends? Humans have cool toys.
  7. Two posters in the thread asked. No need to be a d-bag about it.
  8. In what part of the Constitution do you have a RIGHT to know whether or not your neighbor owns a firearm? Wow....
  9. 33??? Looks like 53. I'm not saying No, just commenting on 33 . . .
  10. There's no such thing as too much garlic!! Blasphemy!
  11. True. With decent QB play, a better defensive scheme and some heads up coaching, we may well have won against the Pat*s away, the Colts, Rams and Titans. 9-6 headed into the final weekend means everyone is happy, playoffs or not. That said, we really need an outstanding receiver to complement Stevie, 2 maybe 3 linebackers, and another option at TE . . . and a QB of course. Sorry Fitzy . . . I was rootin' for ya!
  12. Of course not. Don't be ridiculous. My point is that longevity does matter. No one doubts that the Stones are greatest RnR band ever, but their later stuff? Meh.... I dont think being the Ramones was easy. You seem to think that playing Jacobs Ladder in13/8 time was easy. It's not. I don't see a clear lineage for the VU to the New York Dolls. I've always read and heard that the NYD were the FIRST glam rock band, without whom there may not have been a Bowie, a Kiss, 80's hair metal, grunge and punk. The Dead Kennedy's, the Clash, Richard Hell and the Voidoids, Black Flag, and then the more mainstream T-Funk Heads and Blondie (vastly under-acted band) all happen with or without the SexPistols floating down the Thames. I know what your point is. Rock n Roll is leather jackets, sex, rebellion, the Beatles in Hamburg, etc. and to a certain extent, the Hall more than welcomes that. It's the Madonna's, James Taylor's and their ilk that rub me the wrong way. Yes, Genesis, Rush, and ELP were monstrously huge bands that were fathered by Sargent Pepper. To deny them recognition in the Hall because they don't fit the jingle-jangle, leather jacket, rebellion mode is silly. Music at some point has to be about music. These bands incorporated actual musicianship into the craft. Not everyone started their musical journey by picking up Strat copy and some decent headphones. Some of us started with musician parents and piano lessons and a father's massive collection of jazz albums. To hear rock played with the same intricacy, care, masterful musicianship as a Billy Cobham or Buddy Rich was indeed a revelation and a rebellion all it's own.
  13. Just read your list and I completely forgot about the Mars Volta .
  14. In lowering order of influence: Without Rush, there's no: Dream Theater Porcupine Tree Tiles Spock's Beard Transatlantic there's probably a lot more, but those come to mind immediately . . .
  15. I'd be interested to hear a review. Too $$$ for my blood.
  16. Specifically, the Velvet Underground (heroin), and the Ramones (banging chicks and heroin), and the Sex Pistols. Like you with Rush, I don't get the Velvet Underground. 4 albums? One went gold? It's noise, not music. It's a horrible representation of pretentious critic-chic. If some people don't get Rush, I can firmly state that I don't get the VU. Lou Reed has done some interesting things since, but I can't think of Anything past 1980 that's remotely relevant. John Cale once screamed at a plant onstage for 45 minutes. Whew. Hope he had to practice a lot for that! NO ONE could ever play that. One can make a better argument for the Ramones. At least they had a lot of power pop hooks in their music. It's pleasant to listen to, but any kid can figure out 90% of their songs within 10 minutes of getting their first guitar. Longevity? Nah. Influence? Better argument. The Sex Pistols are the epitome of the rock critic's chic "I''m cooler than you because of the music I listen to" band. It's not very well written or played. It's distorted noise and simplistic. And they are a product of the blatant commercialism that they were supposed to be rebelling against. They are as much a product of commercialized production as Kiss, however, no one ever had to turn off Gene Simmons' amps because he couldn't play the instrument. None of these bands ever had the musicianship, longevity or influence that Rush has had, yet no one ever questions their legitimacy in the Hall. And yes, I take this personally. I heard my first Rush album in 1978, and they've been my favorite since. Haven't missed an album or a tour ( even the hideous Hold Your Fire) since. I can make an argument that 3 of their best albums have been some of their more recent releases (Counterparts, Vapor Trails, and Clockwork Angels). JW's argument that they released some prog rock in the 70's, and Geddy's voice isnt Freddy Mercury's and therefore they dont deserve to be in the RnR HOF doesn't hold water. 25 years after his hey day, Elton John is doing Disney soundtracks. Rush is producing some of the heaviest rock of their career all while pushing 60. When's the last time the Rolliing Stones, the worlds greatest rock n roll band, released an album that was worth listening to? Tattoo you? Maybe Voodoo Lounge if you want to push it. Steel wheels? Puh-leese. Another post in this thread listed the Hall's admission criteria. Rush objectively meets all 4 categories. Subjectively, some people don't like them. That doesn't de-legitimize the worthiness of the band to be in the RnR HOF.
  17. Some people like music that isn't three chords and lyrics about banging some chick or shooting heroin. To each their own. If you don't like it, great. Different strokes for different folks. Personally, i think your opinion rates with what I flush away every morning. You don't get them . . . We get it. Stop acting like it's an affront to humanity. BTW, that's likely the first (and last) time someone mentioned Rush in the same breath as the B52's . . . Please . . . give me a break. The hall voters mainly douchebag journalists and critics. A group I'm certain you're very familiar with. Explain Madonna's entry into the RnR HOF, and then I can listen to your bloviating on why Rush isn't worthy.
  18. Indeed it is, sir . Good catch!
  19. I'm a fan of Family Guy. My favorite episode is the one where Mort uses Stewie's Time Machine as a toilet and goes back to Poland just before the Blitzkrieg. "The cow says, "Shazoo!" "It most certainly does not!" Prior to Mort, I had Superman . . . 'nuff said!
  20. The Pat*s are a flawed team. Their O-Line and secondary are suspect. Other than Welker, i don't think their receivers scare anyone . . . But watching them last night . . . Brady is magnificent and probably (IMHO) the best quarterback to ever play with the exception of Montana. Vince Wilfork is playing all world this season Secondly, they are extremely well coached. There is always a wrinkle, something new, the quick snaps . . . They dictate to you. It's rarely the other way. Sunday's game against a big, fast and nasty 49'ers team should be interesting. That said, barring a miracle, look for the Pat*s to be playing for all the marbles in February. Who in the AFC is going to beat them?
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