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Southern McButterpants.

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Everything posted by Southern McButterpants.

  1. I voted for Han Solo and Darth Vader . . . Sucks that Round 2 looks like Vader vs. Darth Maul...
  2. I've taken this numerous times and I am an ENTJ. Jboys is absolutely correct. I'm rare and a legend in my own mind.
  3. Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! The horror.... Actually, I would love for him to be on DWTS, since I don't watch that.
  4. Fail. No. Ha,ha. That is NOT a spot on analogy. And yes, I'm too lazy to spell it out for you. If you can't see it, there's no amount of 'splainin that I can do to make it clear.
  5. Let's all agree to keep the Hantz family off of television going forward. Russell was entertaining the first time out, but since then, they've proven to be hormone addled wackos.
  6. I thought it was Steak and BJ day??
  7. I found the horse to be less than "tasteful" as well.
  8. Dang, that's the most useful thing I'm gonna hear all day. Thanks for the tip!
  9. The sad part is that it's working. the rest of the Kool-Aid drinkers ARE CALLING OUT WOODWARD, not the White House. Truth is indeed stranger than fiction . . .
  10. The worst movie i ever saw was called Laserblast. Horrid plot, bad acting . . there was a make out/love scene done in all close-ups. And I was 14 when I saw it! http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0077834/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laserblast I'd have to put Dune on the list as well. I get a lot of sh** from my 18 year old about watching that movie. It's such a bad interpretation of a genuinely great novel that I can't look away . . .
  11. Remarkably bad list. Seems like it was written by an NBC exec.
  12. Thanks Vader! A couple of "must see" titles in there.
  13. I trust you realize that this position is pretty much indefensible... You made the point, back it up
  14. http://www.foxnews.c...ting-six-times/ I'm sure the nay-sayers on this board will state that because it's a Fox Story there's no truth to it . . . I DO recall there being MANY posters stating that "there's never been a documented case of voter fraud." Well, here ya go. She admitted it . . . And not only that, she's an election worker! And doesn't see ANYTHING WRONG with what she's done!
  15. Guns fire when they're dropped? I've said it before, although likely not in this forum: I am amazed that David Frum can breathe with his head that far up his a$$.
  16. Way more holes to fill than DE. Pass...
  17. 1. Kayden Kross (Slutty and smart) 2. Pizza (I guess: Veggie, bread, meat, dairy, right?) and Diet Pepsi (Might switch it to a nice Single Malt Scotch like Laphroaig) 3. Have to go with TBS. (gotta get my Seinfeld fix) Flame away . . .
  18. Guacamole, the wife's taco dip and some home-made wings. oh and some Woodford Reserve bourbon too.
  19. i love how the board blames the player (Johnson, Whitner) for being drafted/traded for and signing the contracts. Like the player should have walked away . . .no, no I can't sign that. You should be playing Flutie . . or no, no . . .i can't sign. . . you shouild have drafted Ngata.
  20. Laugh all you want, but when she takes her dentures out the feeling is indescribable . . .
  21. I was in 7th grade. We were off from school that day (though I have no idea why). I was outside with my Dad and brother when the storm hit. Went from being cloudy and overcast to can't see more than 3 feet in front of you in less than a minute.
  22. Campbell's tomato soup. it used to come out of the can in solid, cylindrical form. it tastes about the same, but it's quite watered down.
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