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Southern McButterpants.

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Everything posted by Southern McButterpants.

  1. At least he had a cogent assessment of the Jet's 2012 Season: The Jet season last month got debacled with a capital F.
  2. Apple offers a service called iTunes Match. All of your music is stored in the cloud. I can access all 60 GB of music on my 16 GB phone. I don't use the iPad for music, so 16 GB is more than enough space. Oh, but the iTunes Match does cost $24.99 per year. Well worth it IMHO.
  3. 2) Feeling thebalcony swaying at Sheas as U2 was cranking out Sunday Bloody Sunday. Thought it was cool at the time, thank God it didnt collapse The Who - Rich Stadium 1982(?), they start in with 'Love Reign O'er Me' and it starts sprinkling.. i was under the balcony at that U2 show. '83 maybe? Same feeling... Thought it was cool at the time...Holy S*** now. As for the Who in '82, I remember saying at the time that it's cool to go to a concert and God shows up in the crowd... The Clash was spectacular that day too.
  4. Just wanna say how badly my company's internet access sucks . . . The video got stuck :50 seconds in, so i went to my 3G iPhone to watch the video . . . Sheesh . . .
  5. Reminds me of the old joke about the man who gets caught in a flood. As he climbs out on to the roof of his house, he begins to pray to God to rescue him from this situation. Another man in a rowboat comes by and says, "Hey, get in my boat or you're going to drown." The prayerful man on the house replies, "No thanks. God will rescue me." A short while later, the water is still rising and the water is up to the man's shoulder's. A helicopter buzzes over him, and a Coast Guard officer yells out, "Grab the rope or you will drown." The prayerful man replies, "Go save others. God will rescue me." Shortly thereafter, the water level rises to above the man's head. He treads water for a while, but eventually tires, and tragically drowns. When he arrives at the pearly gates, he angrily asks God, "Why didn't you save me?! I put all my faith in you!" God replies, "What do want? I sent a boat, a helicopter . . . "
  6. Good for her. What a P.O.S. business to sell her the package and then tell her she can't use any of the beds.
  7. Bump . . . Great day to be a Rush fan.
  8. +1 for the Heavy Metal Soundtrack.
  9. With C cups or better (and gentlemen prefer blondes).
  10. How did we get 3 pages in without a mention of Lofa Tatupu?
  11. Think strategically, not tactically. Find out what your bosses need from your team and put your people in position to achieve that. You're not a salesperson anymore. Don't think like one, and absolutely don't do the work of one.
  12. Got a little misty watching this. Sick kids just tug at any parent's heart . Godspeed Avenger. Prayers for good health.
  13. I say this with a staunch record of heterosexuality (not that there's anything wrong with that). I regularly listen to the Grease soundtrack. i sing along in the car, and Greased Lightning is a regular on my my jogging mix.
  14. In the immortal words of Doug Heffernan, "Aw, boo."
  15. Unreal that some people are offended by this . . . re-diculous.
  16. He's gay? (Not that there's anything wrong with that . . .)
  17. Tough 2nd Rounders today: Solo vs. Obi-Wan Vader vs. Maul
  18. Bossk all the way. Jango was a douche.
  19. Wow, Yoda won in a blowout. Thought Mace Windu would have done better than 13%!
  20. Interesting that most of the comments on the site miss the central premise of the Fermi paradox: That the galaxy is sufficiently old enough to harbor intelligent life on a massive scale. Good read. . .thanks for sharing.
  21. My son showed this to me yesterday. Every 9/11 Truther should watch this . . .
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