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Southern McButterpants.

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Everything posted by Southern McButterpants.

  1. Ah Miller Ponies... Chasing shots of Jack Daniels. Memories of misspent youth hanging around Harlem & Genesee...
  2. Never tried one. I'm a lifelong insomniacs, but I also have an irregular heartbeat. Too much caffeine (or even Sudafed) can set off the"drum solo" as I call it. Too bad. I think that these would be perfect for those sleepless nights.
  3. Far closer than I am... I just assume that most of LI is a NYC suburb.
  4. Reason #4,372 I'm glad that i live miles and mile away from NYC . . .
  5. You forgot "rediculous."
  6. I'm fond of asking why the heck i can grow hair in my ears, but not on my head?
  7. Save the wine for midnight! Oh, the hot, racist chick wants wine? I'll open the wine. Epic d-bag.
  8. "Chitwood said he didn't know if the two were dating but he said police don't suspect prostitution." Now THERE'S some solid detective work . . .
  9. Good insight . . . There must be more of a casting twist than Rachel Reilly's sister . . .
  10. Yeah, tough for me to get excited about the cast. I'm getting too old to watch 20-somethings act douchey to one another.
  11. All very true... but in my defense, I was 12....
  12. I had a HUGE crush on Kristy McNichol. I used to watch that God-awful show she was on just to see the 10 minutes that she would be on. Ah 7th grade . . .
  13. Sorry for your loss. Eighteen years is a great life for a dog.
  14. Another vote for driving. It shouldn't annoy me, but it does... immensely.
  15. Gotta love the "Dental Implants Warning" ad at the top of the story . . .
  16. How do they compensate for the g-forces generated by 4000 mph travel? Acceleration, turns, stopping would turn a passenger into goop...
  17. JW and I have differing views of what constitutes rock n roll. That I said I 100% agree with his assessment of The Doors.
  18. That's rediculous. I definately think there messed up.
  19. I have a Brinkman vertical gas smoker. It uses propane and is the easiest thing thing in the world to use (although I would imagine that theTraeger is pretty easy). It's also super easy to keep at 250 degrees. Best of all it was only $150 at home depot. This will be my 4th summer with it. I just smoked 8 lbs of baby back ribs this past weekend. Awesome. 4hrs of smoke and then 2 hrs wrapped in foil. Fall off the bone tender and GREAT as leftovers.
  20. I'll toss in another vote for Will Ferrell. I have no idea why anyone thinks he's funny or entertaining. . .
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