Never tried one. I'm a lifelong insomniacs, but I also have an irregular heartbeat. Too much caffeine (or even Sudafed) can set off the"drum solo" as I call it. Too bad. I think that these would be perfect for those sleepless nights.
I had a HUGE crush on Kristy McNichol. I used to watch that God-awful show she was on just to see the 10 minutes that she would be on.
Ah 7th grade . . .
I have a Brinkman vertical gas smoker. It uses propane and is the easiest thing thing in the world to use (although I would imagine that theTraeger is pretty easy). It's also super easy to keep at 250 degrees.
Best of all it was only $150 at home depot. This will be my 4th summer with it.
I just smoked 8 lbs of baby back ribs this past weekend. Awesome. 4hrs of smoke and then 2 hrs wrapped in foil. Fall off the bone tender and GREAT as leftovers.