I'd rather see the NFL make more of a commitment to the http://septembeard.org/ organization, or to http://everyman-campaign.org/ rather than go all in for a month on wearing pink . . .
They did screw up a really good book with a great message: Violence solves everything... and I was so excited when i saw that Verhoven was going to direct. . .
and that is a really tough choice. Can i cop out and say, "I'll take tequila and a threesome for $500, Alex."
By happenstance I've seen Styx twice in the past couple of years. Hard working band with a setlist to please any one who has listened to a classic rock station. Lawrence Gowan is the best thing that could've happened to them.
I am perplexed by the fans who consistently vent their anger at the player (Whitner, Maybin) and not at the GM's and coaches who drafted them That said, i do see a lot more venom directed at Marv for the Whitner pick.
It's not Maybin's fault he was selected at 11. Blame Dick!
Saw Saranac Oktoberfest (which IMHO beat the pants off of Sam Adams 2 years ago) in the local Super this morning. Mixed emotions . . Happy to see the brew, sad that summer is near its end . . .
Sitting in the backyard. Wife went to bed early. Enjoying my 2nd bottle of pinot noir, smoking a Ghurka Csnturion, listening to Rush in Rio. Hope your night is as good as mine. Oh, and the dog is with me as well, dropping tennis balls at my feet.
Sadly, it's spend a few hours and eat dinner. But it is a very good few hours, if you wanna try all of the hottest sauces and fry your face off (which is what I do).