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Southern McButterpants.

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Everything posted by Southern McButterpants.

  1. Sorry to hear that BB. I got "downsized " at the end of October and (right now) the plan is that I'll be joining Pooj in Philly starting January 6. However, I do have a good lead on a position with Amazon in Seattle. Sad to hear, but at the same time good to know that I'm not alone in this. Hang in there, BB. The economy is coming around and I had a lot of leads on jobs (just nothing in or around Buffalo).
  2. Y'all are nuts. This song is in my top 3!
  3. I don't know. . . .She thought "Penn" and "Lola" were good names for her children . . . Who am I kidding? Of course!
  4. We can't create a hole that needs to be filled via the draft or FA. We've been there, done that.... We know that formula results in 14 years of missing the playoffs. It's not a recipe for success....
  5. C'mon folks. We've all watched the Pat*s long enough to know that ANY Brady incompletion is reason to look for a PI flag. It happens in every conceivable situation for them.
  6. Any version of "Little Drummer Boy." Just cannot stand that song at all. And a second vote for "Santa Clause is Comin' to Town" by Springsteen. Generally, I like his stuff, but that version is a mess.
  7. So sorry to hear this Westside. Thoughts, prayers and good Karma to you and your wife.
  8. Yeah, that's what i thought with my 3204 (tho i did get one wrong)... Guess I'm not as big of a movie buff as I thought . . .
  9. What did they expect from the "head" teacher? Was she supposed to use a banana?
  10. I can't believe people are complaining that the Pat*s didn't get the call. Have you not watched this team over the past decade+? They would have to have every single call over the next 5 seasons go against them just to be even close to evening out the karma blessings they've received since the "tuck."
  11. for the return of Bopper and Mark.
  12. Mmmm. Multipurpose Food. Just like mom used to make. :sick:
  13. Umm.. "Homely" at best . . . Prolly not given the history.
  14. Wholly unrelated to the topics at hand . . .Nice Avatar. M57. Kewl.
  15. Same here... I've been confuzzled in the past when posters have changed avatars or when a newer member uses the same one as a more "established" poster.
  16. Caroline says.. how the hell did he live to 71?
  17. Madonna doesn't deserve to be in the hall simply because she is a singer; not a composer; not an artist. The fact that you can defend a poser such as Madonna ... well, that speaks for itself.You also state that you only use Rush as your "poster boy" because it elicits response such as mine. Great I won't sully this thread with any more responses... But...Rush represents a genre of music that is directly traceable to the Beatles psychedelic phase. King Crimson, Yes, ELP, and Genesis (to a lesser degree Pink Floyd) were the direct descendents of one of the most important evolutions in music history. Granted, Rush was the second generation of that movement to progressive rock BUT they survived, and thrived. All of the other pioneers of prog collapsed, contracted, swapped members ad hominem.Rush survived, thrived and adapted. For 5 decades. If you're gonna have a "Hall of Fame," doesn't it make sense to have the.most successful, long-lived example of a partcular and popular genre represented in said Hall?There are a TON of one-two-three-and-four bands in the RRHOF. I moved on from bands that didn't challenge me intellectually. Doesn't mean it's not Rock n roll ( and doesn't mean it's not a guilty pleasure to listen to the Nerves). But I moved on too...
  18. Alex starts at 4:45. He sums up the band's attitude about the RRHOF. I would have A LOT more respect for JW' s opinion if he were railing against Madonna or some disco bands being in the RRHOF. His consistent use of Rush as his poster child for the voter's transgressions simply shows that Chef Jim is spot on.
  19. You had no problem recognizing the RRHOF when you didn't want Rush to get inducted... Shorter thread: My favorite band is better than your favorite band.
  20. And the Sex Pistols go sailing down the Thames again . . . .
  21. Sean Payton learned the hard way... When you play the Pat*s in Foxboro, you're playing against the refs as well.
  22. More like Ssssshhhhhawn Connery . . .
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