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Southern McButterpants.

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Everything posted by Southern McButterpants.

  1. Close to me. I'm living abut 1 1/2 miles from there . . .
  2. My prayers go out to you, WS. I can't imagine the pain you and your family are going through. I wish you peace.
  3. 1. Queen ('79 at the Aud) 2. The Who with Keith Moon . . . saw lots of other versions, but would have loved to have seen Keith.
  4. You'll have to share this summer. Funny, Dave's Total Insanity Sauce has been my go to sauce for Mexican, Asian, Italian, etc. for about two years. It was Blair's Jersey Death Sauce, but i've been too lazy to order it online since Tops stopped carrying it. Since I've been shopping at Wegman's in Philly, my sauce choices are very limited. . . .
  5. That's a sh*tty way to kill someone . . .
  6. Hey, at least it's 40,000 sq ft. Try moving from Buffalo to Philly. Buffalo: $280K - McMansion - built in the 2000's; updated, granite counter tops, updated bathrooms, hardwood floors, crown molding, etc (yes, you'll pay $10K in property taxes) Philly: $280K: 2000 sq ft. BUT: Built in 1958, Knotty pine cabinets, green, Formica (if you're lucky) counter tops; pink carpets, paneling, linoleum, (in other words: a "big" house you'd pay $90K for in Blasdel) Needless to say, it's another Wet Wednesday in Philly . . .
  7. I am a child. . . the reporter's name is Rod Wood . . . Was Dick Hertz busy?
  8. Just wanted to interject that I can't recall laughing more whilst reading a PPP thread . . .
  9. Funny, i saw this last nite and thought of this thread . . .
  10. 82. Got a few easy ones wrong . . .
  11. Hey Pooj, I'm working for a company called PEI-Genesis in North Philly. They're a mfg/distributor of electronic connectors . . . And I'll gladly take you up on the beer. Too bad football season is over. . . You could have shown me the best Bills Bar(s). This weekend is out tho . . .the wife is coming down for a conjugal visit... :w00t:
  12. In my defense, I've only been living here a week . . . And I'm more of a pepper-jack kind of guy . . .
  13. I like Seattle's team (Beast Mode, Russell Wilson), but I can't stand Pete Carroll . . . . That said, he would be instantly revered if he were to shame Bellicheat and the Pat*s in the SB . . .
  14. Thanks all for the good wishes on the new job. It really is a unique position. I have 3 direct reports in the UK, as well as a few here in Philly. First trip to London is already scheduled for early February . . . One week in and I'm loving life (although I do need to find a good pizza place . . .)
  15. Already found the Wegman' s in Warrington. They have Sahlen' s hot dogs...
  16. Moved to Philadelphia (well, Neshaminy for now) to start a new job . . .
  17. I prefer Red Robin's steak fries. I'm not a fAn of fries with the skin left on.
  18. I would not kick Rhonda Rousey out of bed for eating crackers (although, she would likely kick my a$$ any day ) . . . .
  19. Agreed, i thought this was CJ's best game of the season . . .
  20. Does anyone else think that this is a really baaaaaaadddd idea for a full length film? It was a bad enough episode of the Big Bang Theory....
  21. A favorite little quip is the one that says: There is a world of difference between when a woman says she went through an entire box of tissues when watching a movie and when a man says he went through an entire box of tissues watching a movie . . .
  22. +1 "Perky" is the word i would use to describe her (and I'm not talking about her attitude...).
  23. Was either D-bag wearing a yellow reflective jacket? We had a couple Phins fans near us and even I wanted to punch this idiot . . .
  24. i sat on the Bills' side today and the African-American beauty on the end of the line at the tunnel end zone for the first half was quite possibly the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in person . . . . Based on a cursory glance, i think this is her: http://www.buffalojills.com/profile.php?PID=115&PageTitle=Roster
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